I'm with him. SORTA.

There are excesses. People spending money they don't have on people they don't care that much about.
But there's always Dancing Santa. The Jolly Old Elf 10" high weaving back and forth to that holiest of carols, Jingle Bells. What makes it all really special is that Santa in that iteration is made in China. He sings in English however. I can almost smell the Figgie Pudding.

I heard a "Christmas round the world" report on NPR this morning. Christmas is being celebrated, trees, ornaments, Santa hats AND dancing Santa all around the world. Particularly in Muslim and Hindu countries.
This story about Christmas in Turkey and in India was heard by yours truly on NPR this morning. You can hear it too. The essence of the story is that Christmas in it's most commercial and most crass form is invading these countries bringing the worst and best of western civilization to people.

I know that Christmas is big in China . Believe me, I'm not a big fan of Christmas in it's pagan roots, in it's non birth of Christ foundation, in it's excess. But there is a witness in it all. Place your cursor over the dancing Santas.
Last night after Church Pastor Byrd and I were praying for a woman and a little girl who, if it were a Christmas story of salvation of a person under the Christmas tree, you would have thought we made it up. I don't know what will happen, but I have hope. I hope to see her hopeful, filled with joy, escaping fear and confident in her future. That's what the Christmas Carol Story was all about. Ghosts that haunt us and Spirits that give us Hope.
Maybe the common thread even in a commercial Christmas celebration has a worldwide bridge building effect of giving us a common foundation to dialogue from. And one dialogue I would like to have is, Why is there Christmas at all?
I think I might just be ready to give an answer for the hope that is within me.
Amen Gene!
The common thread is that we who believe must take the message of Incarnation and love to the world that celebrates its "own version" of our true story. It provides, at least, a cultural moment for us to use for the glory of God.
Merry Christmas to you my brother and friend!
Merry Christmas Gene
I hope that family and friends, past and present, fill your heart with the joy of tender sadness and everlasting love.
Have a great day and an even better new year.
John and Bob,
Merry Christmas to you as well. I appreciate you and hope all the very best.
Merry Christmas to you & Peggy. Never lose your passion - I can feel the love all the way down here in Misery...
Well put, my friend! May you and Peggy be blessed this Christmas and always!
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