Wednesday, December 26, 2007

December Blog-iversery

Three Years Ago, December 19, 2004 I made my first official post on this blog. Oh there was one before which said, "test test". That one is gone.

From that day to this there have been 1543 posts, 1544 counting this one.

How could any one man have so many words and so little to say? I knew you were thinking that so I thought I would head it off at the pass.

But, I'm there and for the 2 readers who still look at this electronic tome, I'm thankful and puzzled. Why?

So, in that vein, I wish myself a happy Blog-iversery.

Let's see if I'm still here in 3 more years.


Anonymous said...


Your perspective, your stories and your humor are to me a great gift, albeit from a strange stranger. But here, in your electronic tome of flat screen pixels is the indispensable kindling for humanity: people sharing experiences of great conquests and myths, of mundane sweaters and beatific snow falls. These things bind us, identify us and unite us as American bothers. Just think, if Al Gore hadn’t invented the internet who would I have sent my revised balcony scene to?

Now the New Year reviving old Desires,
The thoughtful Soul to Solitude retires,
Where the White Hand Of Moses on the Bough
Puts out, and Jesus from the Ground suspires.

Omar Khayyam

Take heart, take meds, take wings and write.


Steve Scott said...

Gene, congrats! In three years we may look back on blogging and ask, "remember when we did THAT"?