Wednesday, April 09, 2008

A Higher Standard

We are all sinners saved by grace thru faith in Jesus. That's 4 important things.

  • Sinners (I am one and so are you, no one is without sin)
  • Grace (Mercy not merit)
  • Faith (nothing I can do will save me, I can't even have faith without him providing the ability)
  • Jesus (not Oprah, not Buddha, Not a Higher Power, Not nothing but Jesus)
So, I know all that. Just wanted to affirm it.


If a person is in a leadership role and he is proclaims his Christianity as a Merit Badge and even if it's only part of his persona, there is a higher standard he must walk than someone who does not for one reason or another yet Know Jesus.

That's why I was and am so Hard on Rev Jeremiah Wright. He should meet a higher standard. I'm hard on Pat Robertson. I'm hard on some Pastors. I'm hard on Jimmy Carter who is continuing to fumble his way thru his last years messing about where he doesn't belong.

I'm hardest on myself. I try hard to maintain a higher standard. I don't often and if you call me on it I'm willing to hear. If however you don't know what you are talking about and haven't earned the right to do so I'll ignore you and go on.

I have such men who hold me to a a higher standard in my life. John Armstrong is one such. While we don't talk enough and I try not to wear him out by writing too many annoying emails, but he keeps me sharp. I think about what I write in light of the knowledge that he would have the right and I would hear his criticism of my writing.

We are working on a project together. It will mean I will be doing some writing for publicity. I know I will have to be doubly careful in this.

My friend Barry Kolb is also one such. As is Harry Hein. Gray hair and years have a way of sharpening vision. I think about what I write with the knowledge that both of these men will read with a critical eye what I Post.

I hold these men to a higher standard. I have taken all three of them to task at one time or another when I have felt like they were off base. I don't know if they always appreciate the hammer when it comes. I do.
Proverbs tells us the wise man values rebuke, while the fool rejects reproof (see Proverbs 12:15 and Proverbs 10:17). I want to be wise, don't you?

The Bible says that one man sharpens another as Iron sharpens Iron. Iron can only sharpen iron if it has a rough surface and is harder than the iron it's trying to sharpen. Files and axes come to mind.

I think that goes both ways. When I am taken to task for something, I accept it, rough and ugly as it might be.

Back to Reverend Wright:

If Rev Wright had said, "Folks, I have been imprudent in some of my sermons and I apologize first to people who see this and think I hate America. I don't. I apologize to my congregation for inciting ideas and mindsets that are false. Please forgive me". He didn't

If Jimmy Carter had said, "My fellow Americans, I am no longer your president. I lost that election. I have been out of line meddling in international affairs on my own without first coordinating my actions with the current President. I was wrong and I apologise".

Neither did nor will. I hold them to a higher standard and bluntly they failed.


Anonymous said...

who made you judge? be careful

Anonymous said...

God is the only judge in the why worry bishop? Nothing gets by our Father in Heaven. He is watching, believe it!

Anonymous said...

We live in a world today where "Christians" spend more time covering up their sin so that they can hold on to it rather than cleaning it up. This is revealed when we look at what the most popular quoted scripture is today, Matthew 7:1, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged." Both Christians and non-Christians know this verse by heart and use it to protect themselves from being confronted with their sin. Any attempt to claim the moral high ground in arguments about abortion, homosexuality, adultery, sexual immorality and any other sinful activity is opposed with the resounding, misinterpreted verse, "Thou shalt not judge." The people who use the verse to try and keep others out of their "Holy Space" are just as senseless as the people who accept the fact that we shouldn't judge others. "Oh your right! Jesus did say we are not supposed to judge. I am sorry. I should love you and not judge you because judging is God's job. I am so sorry, lets love each other, and call it a day. Anyone for a hug?"

This verse is being sucked out of its context, misinterpreted and shoved in peoples faces in order to be a barricade to spiritual discipline and accountability. We would much rather replace confronting our dirty, nasty sins and being judged about it with some light fluffy version of our own interpretation of love. "Oh we just need to love everyone. You have to love me even though I am living a life of sin that I have made right in my own eyes. Love is the most important thing, you can't judge me or discipline me, you just have to accept me cause that is what Love is." What a sick fantasy world we live in when we don't see God's love for what it is, instead we try and use it to cover up our own offenses. It is blatantly obvious that people are using the Bible, God, and ministry as devices to cover up their sin, instead of using them as a power to remove their sin. The Pharisees were guilty of this, and Jesus denounced them for it.

Did Jesus really mean that we should not declare certain behaviors as immoral and unacceptable? Do we really have no right to set boundaries that should not be crossed? Did Jesus mean we have no right to confront other Christians about their sin? If so then we are force to preach an impotent gospel which doesn't confront people with their sin, doesn't lead people to a repentance of sin, and ultimately leads people to a sugar coated false reality in which they think they are saved, when they are actually not saved at all. This is not what Jesus was saying at all. In fact he was encouraging an intense self-examination in that we should never be more critical of others than we are of ourselves. We need to make sure we judge ourselves first before we judge others, but ultimately in the end, Christians are obligated to judge others!

We must exercise discernment of course because not everyone is a sheep. There are people who are dressed up in sheep’s clothing but are actually wolves. There are people who can look like a Christian, act like a Christian, and pretend like they are right with God, when they have never really known God. There are people who have served in Churches, led worship, preached the word, witnessed, and saw God do some amazing things, but have never really known God. Jesus says "not everyone who calls to me and says Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven." But didn't we prophesy in your name! We drove out demons in your name God, we witnessed to people, we led worship, we preached your word, look at all the things we did for you! And Jesus says, "Away from me for I never knew you!"

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits." (Matt 7:15) Notice the Bible says you will know them by THEIR fruits, not GOD's fruit. God can produce great things through people who do not even know him, but that is GOD's fruit. A humans fruit is how they live their life, the things they do, their actions. This verse is better read "You will know them by thier (character traits)." In fact after this verse Jesus warns that many will say to him "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?" Apparently prophecy, exorcising demons and many works done in Jesus' name do not provide actual evidence that a person is truly born again because those things can be done by any man in his own strength, or even with the help of Satan. It is genuine love for God and his people, a heartfelt obedience to his commands and the Christlike character traits (fruits of the spirit) demonstrated consistently over a period of time in a persons life that is evidence of the spirit living in them. This means that we think of God and others in the Church and do what is best for them and in their eyes over our own selfish desires first, we remain obedient to all the commands of God, and we consistently exercise the fruits of the spirit in our lives.

We are the Lords people and considered children of God. We are called to love our neighbor as ourself, and to obey all of the commands of God but this does not mean that we should let people pull the wool over our eyes and use the Bible to cover up their evil. We don't need to throw meat to the dogs and give our pearls to the pigs, so it is wise for us to pick and choose our battles. It is true that we need to carry the gospel to all people, but we should not cheapen the gospel by throwing it to the pigs. Even Jesus refused to talk to Herod and Paul refused to argue with people who resisted the Word.

We as Christians are to Judge, but we lack the ability to properly do so, so it is highly important that we ask God for wisdom in dealing with situations in which judgment is needed. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God" (James 1:5) In our ability to judge others, it must be done in a way that does not bring harm to ourselves or others, within reason, otherwise we become proud and critical, and our own spiritual character will degenerate. Although we must take into consideration that any time we confront people about their sin they will cry and whine that we have harmed them and violated their "holy space" but this does not mean we shouldn't do it. Parents show that they love their children by disciplining them. If your child is going to stick their finger in a light socket, you are going to discipline them because you love them even if it hurts them. Its funny how some people don't consider this to be love! Instead they would rather we just let them stick their finger in the socket and die, and they claim that is love, because they are so deep in their own selfish desires that they don't want anything to change that for them. It is important that we hold Christians to a standard of living, and that we judge others and hold them accountable, but we must remember this will always bring opposition from those who do not wish to change, but would rather justify themselves by using God instead of loving Him.

"If we want God's best for ourselves and others, but others resist God's will, then they will oppose us. We are salt, and salt stings the open wound. We are light, and light exposes dirt." Wiersbe

At one point, I hated being judged and would throw out any justification to spin it or "de-escalate" it. Over the past few years though, I've seen the benefits of Christians judging one another and the negative repercussions of shunning wise, Bible based judgement. We cannot rely on our conscience. It can become dulled and diluted to the point where our own sin will not bother us. It is through holding others accountable for their actions and being held accountable for ours (and actually doing something to correct a wrong) that we become closer to God and become more effective and useful Christians.

The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.
-Proverbs 12:15

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
-Proverbs 27:17

Le Renard Subtil is afraid that too many people are trying to sharpen themselves on a dung heap instead of iron

Anonymous said...

"Even Jesus refused to talk to Herod and Paul refused to argue with people who resisted the Word".

He gave us all the ability to choose, but warned we should not judge! It is what it is! We should try to shine the light and show a better way to everyone, but it is not your right to be so judgemental, unless you are as perfect as Jesus. You are not!
You can choose as Paul and Jesus did, but it is not your right to judge! I will leave your sins to be settled up between you and God. Mine as well.

Yes, they will know them by their fruits! When they are bad fruits, you do what you can and then walk away.

Gene said...

You will all note that I held ONLY those in the Church or those in leadership to this higher standard.

It is our RESPONSIBLITY to Judge:

What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 1 Corinthians 5:12

Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others pass judgment. 1 Corinthians 14:29

If that's a problem, take it up with Paul the Apostle. I'll do what he instructs.