Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Night Vision

Last night I had a terrible dream.  A nightmare.  It woke and stirred me all night long.  I didn't sleep well.
  • I dreamt of European like incarcerations of Americans who use free speech to say what they mean.
  • I dreamt of universal health care that allows people to die rather than provide for them to save money.  In fact encourages them to die.
  • I dreamt of taxation run completely amuck until nearly everyone was broke and I was one of them.
  • I dreamt of abortion being funded and encouraged as birth control for 13 year old children as a mainline policy.
  • I dreamt of homosexual marriage being legalized and mandated nationally, while traditional marriage abandoned as the norm.
  • I dreamt of terror worldwide from religious fundamentalist sects to "repay" supposed slights against images and cartoons of Mohammed.
  • I dreamt that America ceased to be America and whatever was left of nobility and goodness was exported to China.
  • I dreamt that all the while the population of people living in the shores of the USA would be concerned about Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton and who wins American Idol while the country drifts into oblivion.
  • I didn't sleep well last night.  I dreamt of a land I love that became a foreign country that didn't want the likes of older, outspoken, Christian, married, conservative people like me would be illegal.
This is the world I dreamt of because somehow before I went to bed the real possibility that going to hell in a hand basket for America was one step closer based on what they said on the news regarding the nomination of Barak Hussein (but not actually a Muslim) Obama as a candidate for the Highest office in the land.  A man who has never actually held a real job in his life.  A man who has no comprehension of what is ahead of him if he should by accident become POTUS.  This is truly the monkeys running the zoo.  (I suppose some thin-skinned somebody will read this and decide that is a "Racist" comments.  Do a search on this blog, I use monkeys running the zoo all the time. It fits here TOO)
This is not good news.  I hope I can sleep tonight.   Maybe if I click my heels together 3 times I can get back to real life and not this nightmare.
I did and it's still here.  I'm still dreaming I hope....
I dreamt that my ability to even write this blog was cu


Anonymous said...

Gene, I pray that some dreams do not come true. But some of them ARE, in the fast-disappearing Christian culture of Europe, and are being outsourced from there to here. H.

Anonymous said...

I have same dream. I also think of that song by "Ten Years After". I want to change the world,(but I don't know what to do).