Friday, June 06, 2008

Trying hard to not be misunderstood

In a prior post I got a "rebuke" from someone about entertaining Goats rather than feeding sheep.

That post and comment are here.

I responded to the idea that I was being critical of Music or the form of Music in the Church. I never even mentioned music. Neither does
Spurgeon. It's the whole Churchitainement industry I rail against.

My response:

I just reread the whole post and nothing anywhere says anything about music.

It's about trying to be funny. Trying to entertain. Cleverness.

Missing the Prophetic word of God.

Some music is entertainment. Some is prophetic revelation. I like the latter instead of the former.

Where I get into trouble is the idea that the worship leader thinks he or she has a backup band.


That's not it.

WE worship, one leads, but we are all in this together. NO backup band. The backup band idea has destroyed more worship in the church than anything else.

I was watching some old
Doo Wop stuff on PBS. They were raising money.

I saw these old guys singing old songs. Then I saw the band behind. Mostly young guys reading a chart to back up the old guys.

That's what a lot of worship leading is. If you brought in the band who backs up the
Doo Wop you would have the same level of anointing many worship bands have. NONE!

Unless every musician and singer is sold out for Jesus in Worship nothing is going on other than entertainment.

But, if you thought that was the point of the post you missed it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"An old idea used by growing churches and consultants for years." Oops-I guess this answer works for a lot more.