Sunday, June 08, 2008


I guess I'm just old, there are three things I believe are really dorky.
ONE - Guys my age and lets say Physique who wear the spandex colored bike clothes and the silly little helmet on fancy bike.  Hey, pal, Dorky.
TWO - People who walk around and talk in front of you with that Bluetooth thingy in their ear.  Cyborg dorkiness.
THREE - People who come to church and wear their cell phone as a fashion accessory on their belt in a conspicuous position.  Who they gonna get a call from, GOD?  Dorky
OK, I've offended most everyone and have exhibited my age. 
I guess that's dorky too.


Anonymous said...

It takes a dork...

Anonymous said...

I'm with's dorky

The bluetooth thingy is great in a car ....BUT YA GOTTA TAKE IT OFF IN PUBLIC PEOPLE!