Monday, June 02, 2008

Time and the Prophetic

I have come to grips with something in the prophetic that I believe has been a confusion factor for many.  Even for some prophets.
When a prophet gives a timetable it brings into check the quality of the Prophecy.  I am learning and so are other prophets that putting timetables on the Prophetic seldom works.
There are examples in scripture of a prophet saying thus and so will happen in such and such a time.  Even in our own time, good people with prophetic giftings have prophesied things that have not yet come to pass but will. 
Sometimes a prophetic timetable is appropriate but not often.  Only in a dream does it seem like the prophetic has a time constraint on it.  Joseph and the cows for example from Pharaoh's dream.  Or the story of the lepers at the gate and Elisha prophesying that "about this time tomorrow....." 2 Kings 7:3-20
Most of the time the prophetic sees events that have not yet happened.  We are witnesses to things that are yet to occur.  
The temptation prophets (and for me) to put a clock on it.  To say, that in a year or 3 years or some time frame thus and so will happen.
That is a trap.  One I will try to stay away from.
If a prophet has given you a word, if you have been told something you are hoping will happen (as I have) don't get ahead of God.  His word is true.  His prophets are saying what he says.  They see things that have not yet happened and will provide you as much information as they see.  Trust God and you will be established and stand, trust His prophets and you will prosper.
Don't be impatient.  Every word is yes and amen.  Seldom yes and when.
At the end of every year I seek God and provide a "Word" for the following year to come.   I haven't reviewed them lately but I see events unfolding that were prophesied 2 or 3 years ago.  My mistake was in putting a clock on it.
A few of the prophetic future sayings that was revealed a few years ago and published as the Word of the Lord for that year is now being revealed as true.  For example, the devastating China Earthquake and the government of China's response.  The snow in February in China.  The music industry's restructuring.  The price of Gasoline.  The changing of the guard in Christianinaity.  There are others.  I won't rehearse them all here.  But all have proven true if you take out the timetable.
Maturity in the prophetic reveals that putting a clock on the creator of time is bad plan and as prophets we have to cut it out.  God is not slow as some would count slow but is right on time in his time, not ours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The changing of the guard in Christianinaity"-not for the better either. Definately explains why all the dying or dead churches pushing a religion. Quick fixs and gimmicks don't trump people wanting realism and real truth. Wake up people. And you wonder why "church" and God aren't a priority anymore. It's because the church itself doesn't. They've lost whats it's all about. Like Col. 2 says, churches will bicker and fight and die because they will teach and preach false teachings. Too true.

(BTW-nice blog. I enjoy your view on biblical politics.)