Wednesday, October 08, 2008

McCain didn't win last night's debate, he just lost less

I thought McCain looked and sounded terrible last night at the snore-in.

He couldn't have been more incoherent.

Except for Barry.

BHO rambled, generalized and basically kept saying
"I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt so sexy it hurts"
all night long.

Kind of like K in Men in Black.
Yea, but I make it look good.

Content, neither of them had any.

So, inmyhumblerightwingopinion McCain didn't win, Obama just looked dumber than usual. McCain was marginally less a boob than Obama. I don't think there's a full 16 ounces of Gravitas between them.

Do you really want this man as President? He's a zero. Rudy told us that. It's still true.

I want my PALIN NOW!

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