Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The REAL Reason the SNL Bailout Skit came down - Herbert and Marion Sandler and George Soros

Left wing billionaire George Soros and Herbert and Marion Sandler were satirized on SNL. It came down. Read on. Free speech is under attack.

After this skit ran last Saturday Night on NBC Billionaire Puppeteers Soros and Sandler pressured NBC to pull the skit.

NBC buckled.

You can read about it here. BUT, here’s the real question, do you think that financing and all that left wing money the Sandlers have been investing in electing Obama, the money that has come from connections overseas, the money of over a half billion dollars is being given without strings? Do you think for a second that Soros and Sandler are going to allow Barry to go play in the sandbox in the Oval Office without getting control of him?

I watched the de-bore-it last night and realized, Obama is Chance Gardner and is unknowingly under the evil influence of Soros and Sandler. He’s a puppet.

Our government is being stolen from us by vile and vicious forces. They showed their true colors by bullying NBC into capitulation.

Of course I’m an alarmist. or am I?

Hat tip to my Brother Steve

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