Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Obama's Economic Plan - Stupid in More Way's than You can Count, He can't

Liberals have always been bad at economics. That's why they are liberals.

A week ago Barack Hussein Obama called together his best and brightest economic advisers and told them he wanted to have a plan on his desk to announce some broad wide sweeping inspirational economic plan.

He did. Yikes!

If that's what we are going to get for Obamanomics in the future we better all learn to eat dog food.

This is just an example of what the Obama plans for America are. Worse, his supporters are so unschooled in economics they actually believe this. These people are the same folks who brought us the economic collapse of the last year. The same people who helped drive up the price of Oil. The same people who destroyed Fannie and Freddie. The same people who now have ushered in uber socialism in America.

Using debt to solve a debt problem.

I won't even try to outline the stupidity of the proposals Obama is making. They are beyond belief in their level of ignorance. Steve Forbes shakes his head.

If Obama becomes president kiss the country you loved goodbye and prepare to enter hell. Like Dante - Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here.

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