Friday, December 12, 2008

Conservatives need a Colin Cleanse

Colin Powell gave an interview to CNN news about the results of the last election. He was classically middle of the road vanilla. The interview will air on Sunday PM on CNN. Here's a video excerpt.

He couldn't be more wrong. His idea is, be more like democrats. What frustrates me is people like him in politics or in the Christian Church. He is wrong and we don't need a change, we need a COLIN CLEANSE. Mr Powell and his Ilk must now become democrats and join with them.

In a comment from
author blog this was said about this interview:

What I hear Colin Powell saying is that Sarah Palin didn’t tout the lies of political correctness, slut herself out on MTV, panic that the climate change sky was falling, or advocate for the further destruction of unborn babies.

The sad thing is that he tries to take the high intellectual road which really crashes because they are moral issues, heart issues that he’s referring to. He seems to be saying that “African-American, Hispanic and Asian voters” don’t have morals which I find rude.

The Republicans
didn’t lose the election because of Sarah Palin or Rush Limbaugh. They don’t need to PC up. They need to scrub down and clean house! Both Palin and Limbaugh deeply resonate with the heart of many Americans from diverse ethnicities. The same America-despising media conglomerates that glorified someone who still refuses to prove that he’s a natural -born US citizen and a long list of other jaw dropping negatives, are the same entities who unfairly battered Sarah Palin, demeaning her well-earned credentials, strong values, and even her wardrobe. These same media hypocrites have no problem showcasing the appointments of Charlize Theron and Angelina Jolie as UN peace ambassadors! The UN is a coercive destructive glutton as far as I‘m concerned, but both Colin Powell and the UN could at least try to be taken seriously.

From Dawn

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