Friday, December 12, 2008

The Evangelical Spokesman who didn't Speak for Me no longer Speaks for Evangelicals

I am relieved that Richard Cizik has resigned as a spokesman for Evangelicals.

I have posted on him a few times asking the question, "why is he trying to say he speaks for me?" He didn't and no longer does.

He represents a squishy evangelicalism that will make Christianity even more inert than it already is if we accept it's premises.

I wonder if ultimate persecution came if people like Rev Cizik would renounce faith in Jesus in order to "Witness another day" rather than be subjected to the Hangman's noose or the executioners axe? These people are willing to compromise anything and everything that the Gospel stands for to achieve what they mistakenly believe are expedient goals.

We may not win elections, we may end up being marginalized, we may well end up being ridiculed and persecuted. In fact if Russia is any example at all, I can promise the day will come. The only question you will be asked when you cross to the other side of the veil is, what did you do with My SON.

It occurs to me that those who are willing and eager to compromise to fit some world view that might make Christianity more palatable to a country that increasingly has less and less appetite
for the things of Jesus, watering down the truth of the gospel is not going to get it.

If a culture is going to change, it must be confronted with the Truth of the Word of God, Given the Grace to grasp that truth in stumbles and given time to change. The problem with the approach Cizik took was that he failed to first deal with the truth of the Gospel. He was too anxious to give grace and time without truth. That is the flaw of the evangelical message. And it makes no change, and it gives a false grace.

Thank God he's Gone. Rev Cizik, I don't hate you, you are just very sadly misled. We have leaders who are not. I look forward to hearing from THEM.

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