Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Never again like it once was

I have a friend who has a business that is off by half this year. He is facing possible financial ruin. I have another friend who has been out of work for a while and is not finding anything.
I have another friend who is getting out of Jail and is about to find the world has changed out from under him in the last year. He is not going to find quick work for an ex con with limited skill.

Life is changed. It is not ever going to be as it once was. The sooner we all face the fact that we are facing a new reality we will begin to prosper in it. If we don't we will die.

Ron McGatlin of Open Heaven wrote this and it's true:

"The people of God who are not at all moving through this transition cannot possibly understand what is going on and will turn to their previous teaching and understanding and reject much of what God is doing in changing His people. They can quickly become affected by a critical spirit and fight against what God is doing while thinking they are protecting the pure doctrines of the church". Ron McGatlin

It's more true for our lives than it is for our churches. Time to face the new realities. They are better than the old realities. But they are very very different.

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