by John Hawkins
1) You really didn’t learn everything you needed to know in kindergarten: Liberals love to think of themselves as sophisticated, nuanced intellectuals, but the truth is they have a kindergartner’s view of the world.
2) “Liberals hate religion because politics is a religion substitute for liberals and they can’t stand the competition.”—Ann Coulter: Somewhat ironically, given the hostile relationship that has developed between the Left and Christianity, liberal beliefs have more in common with religious doctrine than a political agenda. There is no significant debate on the Left about the aims of their agenda—and the only “sins” believers can commit against their religion are no longer being politically useful, deviating from doctrine, or worst of all, cooperating with conservatives in some fashion. No matter how much evidence piles up that big government doesn’t work, that welfare destroys families, and that socialism doesn’t bring prosperity, it makes no impact on liberals because their dogma is based on faith, not logic.
3) “It is not human nature we should accuse but the despicable conventions that pervert it.”—Denis Diderot: There is no dream more eternal in the liberal heart than completely remaking human nature. If we could all just care about the person across the world as much as we do our families, we could live in a utopia!
4) “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when at first we practice to deceive.”—Sir Walter Scott: Like freaky religious cults, liberals have become adept at hiding their more abhorrent views from the public until it’s too late. It’s common to see liberals adamantly deny that they hold a position over and over again only to completely switch sides the moment they have one more vote than they need to pass legislation. Whether it’s lying about their opponents or what they believe, honesty is certainly not considered to be the best policy on the Left.
5) “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye.”—Matthew 7:3-5: Despite the fact that liberals love few things better than to cry “hypocrisy,” there is a rather bizarre disconnect between what modern liberals seem to believe about themselves and how they behave. Liberals believe that they’re compassionate, but only with other people’s money. They tie themselves in knots trying to come up with valid reasons why terrorists hate the United States, but they never give a moment’s thought to whether the people who dislike them might have a point. They pat themselves on the back for helping minorities, but never stop to consider that liberal policies have done more damage to black Americans in the last fifty years than the KKK could have done in a millennium. Somehow, stunning hypocrisies of this sort, which are too numerous to recount without doing a whole other column, never seem to be bother anyone on the Left.
6) “Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.”—Benjamin Spock: It’s great to have a healthy self-image, but there’s not much to be said for thinking you’re smarter than the collective wisdom and traditions passed down through human history just because you happen to read the Daily Kos.
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