Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Churchless Christianity - Or, Christians who Never darken a Church door

What's Hot: 'Churchless Christianity' From Ministry today

QUOTE: "I see the church derided with mockery and scorn. I see critics exaggerating her weaknesses and incapable of affirming any of her strengths. I see many leaving the church instead of loving her for better or for worse. I see lots of my peers who have 20/20 vision for the church's failings, but are nearsighted to their own pride, self-importance and mutual self-congratulation. … Increasingly, we hear glowing talk of a churchless Christianity. ...These days, spirituality is hot; religion is not. Community is hip, but the church is lame. [But] we don't want Christians to give up on the church." —Kevin DeYoung, pastor of University Reformed Church in East Lansing, Mich., on why he and a member of his congregation decided to co-author the book Why We Love the Church: In Praise of Institutions and Organized Religion [christianpost.com, 7/20/09]


0 #7 Barbara Studer 2009-07-21 16:40 We belong to the "out of church" Christians. Not because we don't like church , but because we were members in 2 churches and abused in both of them. We were faithful givers, workers and so on. Our time and money went there and we were used and abused. So we left. One day the Lord told me, my biggest problem was , that I don't trust pastors anymore. And he is right off course. I refuse to subject myself to another pastor and be abused again. So we stay out of it. What we noticed and it hurt for a while, not anymore, is that when you leave a church, you loose all of your friends, one becomes an outcast. Even so that one worked right along them for years in the church. So, now we are happy just being saved and out of church Christians. Quote

0 #6 Milton Brock 2009-07-21 15:47 " Well as it is WRITTEN so shall it be DONE " !!! LET BROTHERLY LOVE CONTINUE " !!! " IT ALL BEGINS WITH YOU and ME " !!! MB Quote

0 #5 AL Silvestri 2009-07-21 15:45 When believers move beyond simple close physical proximity into active life together- joined and knit together by what every joint (unity in relationship-community) provides- is not giving up on church but becoming Church.
Pure and undefiled religion before God is caring for others, which goes far beyond passive listening. Without the common unity (did you hear community?) acting upon His Word, you only have an audience.
Koinonia means fellowship and also communion, from which comes community.
You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.
Love moves beyond ideals or emotions into action, or it isn't real. Without community we aren't loving the Lord 1 John 4:20.The strength of love shared shows the depth of our own love for God. The depth of community is the clearest expression of this.
Jesus said that by our love for one another all will know we are His disciples. Quote

0 #4 Joshua Ramon 2009-07-21 13:17 I believe God is using the church, as weak and crippled as she may be at times, to lead his people. Many people are seeking relationship in small gatherings outside of organized religion that center around Christ. It seems many of these gatherings become smaller versions of "church". I don't see this breaking off as forming any sort of answer. Breaking off by itself only causes more division.
E.M. Bounds said, "The church is looking for better methods. God is looking for better men."
This is what we need. Deeper commitments to Christ. More time among the poor, the downcast, the hurting. More Isaiah 61 style ministry. When we are among the marginalized, addicted, etc., we will realize our own ineffectiveness to save them with words or well-planned events. They need power. And most of all they need love. We all do. Quote

+1 #3 ROSEANN 2009-07-21 12:40 The church is the people. We meet in a building. Just keep looking for a group where God wants to plant you. We do need each other. Quote

0 #2 Lesley 2009-07-21 11:34 Oh I love the church. Its the place we believers can go to be fed, to nurture and love each other and to feel safe. Its a place to grow, to learn and to give and love as Jesus loves us. We need church, we need other believers to sometimes correct us and pull us into line when we step out of line, but done in love. If we go our own way we will be foolish and ignorant of the greater picture of what God wants to do in and through us. Church is a safe place for new and old believers to grow through their own personal experiences and to impact community and others. Its a place of worship to be built up to be part of the body, of which we all have an important part to play. You cannot be a part of the body on your own separated from the rest of the body…We need to work together as the whole body or part of Gods body, we are all important members, we all need each other. Its about relationship…and we cant have that on our own. God bless and would love to read the book. Quote

+6 #1 Shannon Bivens 2009-07-21 11:30 If the "Church" is the people, how can you leave it? I think people are leaving dated institutions that were created by and then inherited from European Modernity. Denominationalism, the church an an instituted organization, the people of God being "landowners" and overseeing buildings and bank accounts is hard to justify from the NT. People are looking and seeking for depth and authenticity. True spiritual life.

Often times people have come to the Church seeking god and have been given the world instead. Honestly…we are tired of it. Tired of the Board meetings, the programs, the artificial spirit of it all.

That's what they are leaving. In the NT the people ARE the church. Hence they aren't leaving "IT"…they are leaving a form of Godliness.

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