Monday, October 12, 2009

FROM THE LIBERAL LA TIMES? Another "Obama Wins" Joke- OUCH

It's been quite a two successful weeks for President Obama.

By Andrew Malcom

First, he saved Illinois and federal taxpayers countless millions of rescue dollars by helping to lose Chicago's bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics in the very first round of voting.

Then, even as he slept on the 289th day of his first term's 1,461 days, Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The Democrat president said he was humbled by his selection and millions agreed the ex-state senator should be.

Especially since 1) the peace prize recipient is overseeing the prosecution of two wars at the moment while contemplating a recommended escalation, and 2) the Nobel nominations were due by Feb. 1, the 12th day of the new Obama administration. By which time the new president had barely promised to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility within one year, an absolute deadline now absolutely hopeless.

Read the whole thing, It's very good writing.

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