Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Like waking up from a crazy drunk and a tryst that ends badly

Every few years, the USA gets tired of the Old Man. Seven year itch sets in. She decides that although she's safe and well fed, she wants something more exciting. Something wild. Something that has the promise of a good time. Something that will make her forget about her hard life.

So, the whiskey comes out. She goes to the Bar. Gets loaded and meets this guy who talks good and promises her the world. She forgets all about her responsibility at home. She wants a Change. Something completely different.

So, she goes off with this guy. In the morning she wakes up in a strange place she never thought she would find herself. Her life is wrecked. That smooth talker really stinks in the morning air. He can't wait to get out of there. Everything was just hot air.

So, humiliated and destroyed she slinks back home. The old man is there. He takes her back. She settles back in for less flash but more substance.

The wisdom of his years and his solid principles win out over the excitement.

This is the story of the American Populace and the current decline into oblivion at the hands of the Liberals. In the morning when they wake up it will be pretty tough. They will hate themselves. They will hate the ones who took them there. The Rangles, Pelosi's, Franks and that Smooth Talker Barack Obama.

They will, after the destruction of their lives by the uber-incompetent, return to common sense. How soon? How soon until the wild drunkenness is over? Soon I wager.

It seems like ever so many years we have to go thru this drunken fling to realize it's all hot air, it's giddy intoxication but destroys lives.

This mess is why in fact liberals should never be in charge of anything. They can be a voice crying in the wilderness but they are incompetent to govern. We will soon learn that lesson when the Whiskey wears off. Barack, that good looking smooth talker will slip out the door into the dawning light. And poor little broken USA will be left in a mess SHE will have to sort out.

So, endure, they will wake up and sober up. This is just to remind themselves of how bad this can be. It won't help the steady drinkers on the Liberal side. They never do actually sober up, but stay just drunk enough to stay befuddled. That's why they are liberals. Not bad people, just drunk. Like my Uncle who died of alcohol.

When they do sober up, I want to be there for them. How about you?

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