My question is, who is going to clean this mess up when the power companies that put them up go bust and abandon them. Will a naked post stand there for our Grandchildren and great grandchildren to wonder, "What ever possessed Grandpa and Grandma to allow this kind of idiocy to take place on their watch"?
This is pollution of the worst kind trying to fulfil some liberal fantasy about energy production. I have a clue for you. It's all a scam. You heard it here first. I hope President Palin can fix this.
you never give up and you never learn. you are like a very old dog. the power lines from each individual wind tower goes underground to a box above ground somenumber of miles away. the power from several towers in not too much to go underground. the power from the whole bunch of them then is gathered together far away from the towers and sent via high wires that ARE visible in the area if you know where to look. they are very much in production. they 'despoil' 5 miles of a road that is hundreds of miles and they pay farmers whose land they sit on. there are still hundreds of miles of 'undespoiled' land where you can find ugly corn fields, weedy ditches, stupid rectangular 'borrow pits', bland bland bland mile after mile that used to be prairie and is now crop. it is INSANE that you find these few miles of wind towers such a BIG DEAL. let it go. you are so damn funny and so damn predictable. hear it here first? yep, i have not heard anyone but you quite so paranoid and hysterically hatefilled about wind energy. thank god there are is only one of you.
""anyone but you quite so paranoid and hysterically hatefilled about wind energy.""
I guess other than the few hundred who have to live with these eyesores in their back yard. Every Farm has a sign, NO WIND FARMS.
But that doesn't matter. Stick it up your ear.
I won't even bother posting all the people who hate these things INCLUDING THE KENNEDYS.
But that's different, RIGHT.
Wait till a blade fall off one of these and the thing stands there for ten year rusting away.
Who's gonna clean this mess up?
Thank you Gene for once again posting the comments from people who are irate instead of screening them. This makes your blog much more enjoyable to read. Reading what nutcases are all upset about is great entertainment.
The following article is rather dated, but delicious none the less:
I agree with Gene. These windmills make the greenies feel good about themselves. They do not cash flow unless they are subsidized. I remember several years ago the community of Moorhead, MN bought a couple of big windmills. At that time you could volumntarily elect to pay a much higher rate to support these. I am not sure what they do now. If they couldn't cash flow back several years ago, what has changed since then? Nothing but subsidies. Heavy steel walls of 1 1/2" thick created by a belching blast furnace consuming coke, limestone, and iron ore. Copper power lines created in a dirty overseas copper smelter. The economies of scale are such that the poundage of copper per KWH is high as compared to conventional electricity. Gas guzzling fossil fuel burning vehicles driving to maintain the high maintenance behemoths. The power unit is shipped overseas in a fossil fuel burning ship. The greenies should be very proud of themselves. They've emitted a considerable amount of carbon into the atmosphere before these monsters create one KWH of power. Gene is so right on this with one exception. I've given the greenies hell for probably longer than him about these failures.
They will not need to be cleaned up because they will still be producing clean electricity in 25 years like the ones in the valley in California that have been there for 25 year.
Not every farm has a "No Wind Farms" sign - don't lie - I have been there. There are a couple signs on farms that are next door to the ones that got the towers and they are mad that they didn't get any towers so that they could reap the cash flow that their neighbor did. That sign is motivated by jealousy and no more.
Wind energy is here to stay. Get used to it. Better, learn to love it. It's wonderful.
Wind energy will be harnessed for supplemental, but it will be occasional. This is a giant fiasco and your grandchildren will have to clean it up.
Wind turbines have only a 25 year design life. Therefore, the ones spinning out in California will soon have to be replaced. Subsidized pipe dreams. Wind power has some practical uses. One is pumping water on a ranch. Works great. I've seen them in action. Another is a rural household that is conservation minded (their choice) which is off-grid. Works. Large scale wind farms are not practical. They do not work. I know these things. I did scientific research on this in the early 80's. A great man was president then.
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