Thursday, October 08, 2009

The Recession is Over, the Depression has JUST BEGUN

When the stock market behaved as it has the last few days I knew something was in the air. The ghost of Kodratiev visited me. Not actually, but you know what I mean.

It's like watching a hot air balloon run out of propane and springing a lead at the top at the same time. While everyone admires how high it has gone, how wonderful it all is, the people in the balloon know that trouble just started.

Then I read this LOOOOONG post from Edward Harrison. Someone I admire.

He clearly defines the reason that this thing is, well, full of hot air.

And the direction isn't good. IF the economy matters to you and if you have the perseverance to study and read the whole thing, you will understand what's happening and about to happen.

My friend RON may have a comment about this. He's an economist.

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