Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A final resting place is never final...When you are LOVED

Yesterday the memorial to Maxine Lea. A friend of mind, Ken's Mom. She was a great woman in many ways. Twelve years ago we said goodbye to her husband and Ken's Dad, Lloyd.

I was struck by the truth of so many things...a potpourri:
A good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you when forget-me-nots have withered. Carve your name on hearts, not on marble.
Charles Spurgeon

Somehow knowing Ken, I wasn't surprised that Lloyd and Maxine were part of the Circus...or carnival. Creative positive energy has always been part of their lives.

She kept the post office in business by sending encouragement to everyone she knew.

She was an inspiration in more ways than any of us can imagine. She blazed a path for her family they live in.

I admired the commitment that Lloyd and Maxine made when they decided to join a church. IF they were going to be there, they were going to be active and make a difference. They did. This is a "Maxim" I live by. If I am part of any organization, don't expect me to be silent or passive. EVER. I'm guessing Maxine was a lousy pew warmer. So am I.

The reality of her life was represented by a cake being served during the time after the service. It was a Cake, the last angel food cake, that She had ever made. It was in the freezer. So in a way, Maxine baked for her own home going service lunch. Seems about right to me.

I was privileged to be part of this in a little way. She was one of a kind and as the Pastor said, the last of HER generation. May we all do as well.

She was mostly Cherokee Indian....and this blessing was on the folder...it's worth publishing

Cherokee Prayer Blessing

May the Warm Winds of Heaven

Blow softly upon your house.

May the Great Spirit

Bless all who enter there.

May your Moccasins

Make happy tracks

in many snows,

and may the Rainbow

Always touch your shoulder.

May it be so...Lead on Maxine.

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