Friday, May 14, 2010

The Pointed Gun and Finger on the Trigger

If you handle firearms as I have, you know this adage. Never point your weapon at anything or anyone you don't intend to kill. That goes double for placing your finger on the trigger.

Many in the prophetic community are starting to sense that there is a finger on a trigger. That in the next few months, this summer, there will be war in the Middle East. A Rabbi has been traveling around Israel trying to discern the times.

Here's part of his observation:
It's a two by two table. Either Israel takes the first round or strikes first. Either Tel Aviv gets the first BIG hit or Jerusalem. While the obvious scenario is with Tel Aviv, the market center getting hit, there is far more potency for Iran to strike Jerusalem hard. I'll come back to this later. No one here has any doubt that Iran has a big weapon and that they will use it. To play the American Game (like in 1991) will mean that Israel will have to wait for Iran to fire first. The longer that time plays out, the greater the risk that the first strike will be atomic. A Hiroshima sized weapon will hurt.

For Israel to attack first will immediately set off rocket bombardments from Syria and Hizbullah. The lunatics in Hamastan will also join in but they will be the first to feel the IDF fist. There will be no pulling punches this time. The question is whether the West Bankers will also open fire. The general Israeli feeling, given their training, is that the expectation is that all hell will break loose.

Israel has required all new housing to include bomb shelters--BIG ones built into the foundations of all new constructions--iron, steel, and thick concrete. These things will hold; so, the majority of damage will be real estate. Ironically, those at risk are those who have been flaunting the housing codes--many of the Israeli Arabs in the north. As in 2006, rockets can't tell the difference between believers and infidels.

In 2006, Hizbullah lacked both accuracy and power. This will not be the case in this war. Their fire power is hot and heavy. But they are up against a professional army that has been drilling and preparing constantly for the last four years under a tough and charismatic infantry soldier. This will not be an IAF war. The IDF is prepared. After the missiles, expect the Israelis response to be strong.

For a country where officials are not accountable in local elections directly to the electorate, there is a lot of road building, resurfacing, and repair going on. Virtually EVERY major roadway has been resurfaced right down to the matrix. Amazing. One might say that these roads are now able to handle loads of up to 50 tons on 18 wheels.
Read his whole analysis of what the summer war might be like. It's stirring.

There are observations made by some people on this side of the ocean.

Hizbullah is being armed to the teeth by Syria.
The Scud-D has been around for decades; why is it being transferred to Hezbollah at this particular moment? There are two likely reasons:
(1) the White House has become the most prominent Western critic of Israel, and Syria is confident that President Obama will not do much to either punish an Israeli enemy or speak clearly in Israel's defense;
(2) under the Obama Doctrine, many enemies of America are treated with kindness in order to prove that they should not fear us, under the theory that once the fear is gone, there will be very little to obstruct the progression of smooth relations. The engagement policy thus requires the overlooking of all kinds of bad behavior.
A writer in the Jerusalem Post the other day wrote this

Time to plan for war

In the coming war, Israel will have only one goal: to destroy or seriously damage Iran’s nuclear installations. Every resource turned against Iran’s proxies must be aimed at facilitating that goal. That is, the only thing Israel should seek to accomplish in contending with Syria, Hizbullah and Hamas is to prevent them from diverting Israeli resources away from attacking Iran’s nuclear installations.

This means that Israel must launch a preemptive strike against Hizbullah’s missiles and missile launchers, Syria’s missiles, artillery and launchers, and Hamas’s missiles and launchers. As for their short-range rockets, Israel should do its best to intercept them and otherwise hunker down to weather the storm of Katyushas and Kassams. Life of the homefront won’t be easy. But it won’t be impossible either, as we saw in 2006.
Israel is ready for war. Almost like national suicide bombers, the Islamic Countries are preparing for what will be certain death for their nations. Israel is poised to destroy them totally.

The Prophetic Stirring is for August. When Kings go out to war.

I don't have a clear word on this. There is much quiet preparation on both sides. The world will not watch this one from the sidelines. This event will have great impact spiritually, politially and economically. This is NOT the beginning of the war of Armageddon. This is a foreshadow.

When it happens, and I say WHEN because I believe the time is near, here are some of the ramifications:

  • Many countries will come against Israel for it's intense response. They will excuse the attack from Islamic Countries. I believe that the current administration will be among these critics. This will cause even more division in this country than ever. The result will be geophysically devastating
  • This will mobilize a strange alliance of the Jewish people who normally vote liberal in the USA and the Tea Party, not in rallies but in opposition to our tepid support leading to none of Israel.
  • The stock and commodity markets will go thru huge reactions to this event. Higher gold and $150, and a stock market in the High 5000's. It will become a new trading range.
  • The mobilization of people to change our congress will accelerate. People will be intense. There will even be calls for the President to resign. Israel is a trigger and the Finger is on it.
  • Our lives will change if an when this happens. This will be a pivotal event. The world's economy s so weak this will tip it over.
  • Russia and China will come out stronger from this...that will lead to a move to "Settle Things". You know the book of Revelation. Look for that to come to pass.

Ignoring God's hand on Israel is not only foolish, but blindness.

Time to plan for war

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