Saturday, February 12, 2011

How to Face the Coming Days with Confidence, Hope and No Fear

I posted this here a few days ago. It has been reposted several times around the world. It must have hit a nerve. I repost with permission for you to plagiarize without attribution. This is something the Body of Christ needs to hear now...we are to be guides in these days to come.

In the past few weeks I have been warning that things are not as they seem. That hard days are ahead. That the situation will be rough.

I have tried hard to be encouraging, but it seems like what should be understood as encouragement is being interpreted as pessimism by some. People need understand that when you see a half full glass, it could be the someone with a snapshot of a half full glass that was plumb full an hour ago while water is dribbling out of the bottom. It's half full now but the trend could be going against fullness.

WHAT Should the Believer do in light of the coming days? How do we prepare? How do we survive? How do we prosper? Just confess prospering and embracing rootless optimism without understanding will lead to certain heartbreak. Hope deferred maketh the heart sick. Facing the future in confidence will lead to victory.


  • Live for today alone. Tomorrow has enough trouble of it's own. Yesterday is gone, there's nothing you can do about it. Live Today. Be aware, but live today.
  • Face potential for catastrophe with your Faith in God. Ask yourself the hard question, "if it all comes down, will I still be able to pledge allegiance to the Lamb of God". What is the worst possible outcome of the catastrophe short of death if it all goes to pot all around us? Prepare your heart that even if the worst comes, you will not waver in your allegiance to the King of Kings. You are then prepared to accept the worst possible outcomes on the horizon.
  • THEN, and this is critical, try to improve on that worst possible situation. Develop scenarios, strategies, preventions, escapes, preparations and invention to modify any impact that might come from the catastrophe if it comes...or when. You have already accepted it, now set about finding ways to improve on it.
  • Don't spend too much time fretting over the potential for what might happen in the disaster. If you do the first three things, you will be able to say, whatever comes, I will live today and prepare for whatever could happen as best I can. THEN, having done all you can do to stand, stand against that day. Remember your worry cannot add to the length of your days and or your health or height of your stature. NONE. IF you remind yourself that worry can give you ulcers or even destroy your health, you will fight against it as personal preservation. Most of this is outside of your control, if you think you can control it beyond your personal ability, you may be engaging in witchcraft. STOP. Your health and emotional well being is at stake. It's just not worth losing your health over worry. Most of the things we have worried about in the past never came to pass. The same is in our future. But Prepare.
  • Before you give into panic, get all the facts, and with all your getting, get understanding. Don't believe every story on the Internet, the news, Fox, CNBC, MSNBC. Don't even believe me. Become informed with TRUTH. Truth will set you free, a lie will put you in chains.
  • Comport your life to the facts as you comprehend them. Take action, don't be immobilized. There's no future in that. Take positive action toward doing what you can. Hiding and waiting for the rapture in your basement as the day grows darker is folly.
  • Be clear when you face difficulty, where the difficulty comes from and what it looks like. What is the Problem I am facing right now? What are the root causes of that problem and what are a hundred ways I could deal with this as solutions. From those potential resolutions, pick a few of the best and move ahead implementing them. Even if you are wrong you will have been proactive. Avoiding pondering your navel, action counts here. Stay busy doing what you have decided to do. Don't keep second guessing yourself. Don't sweat the small stuff. Most of what you are worrying about today will never happen. Keep busy improving on your situation as best as you know how in view of the coming days.
  • Some things that will happen in the future are inevitable. You will DIE. Your parents WILL die. You will face tribulation, Jesus promised that. Be of good cheer, He has overcome the world. But don't try to fight the reaper. Cooperate with those things that are inevitable. When hard times come, don't blame yourself, others, government or anyone. There was once a bumper sticker on the back of pickup trucks. It said. "THINGS" happen. (It didn't actually say things). It's true. Now get over it. Cooperate with things you can't change. They can change you. Sometimes for the better.
  • Use a trading tool in your life... the stop loss. In trading, we often put a stop on how much loss we are willing to take before we put a stop to it. Same with worry, decide when things happen or things turn against you, "How Much Anxiety, Worry and Pain am I going to allow this to cause me". How much is it really worth? THEN once you have properly mourned and struggled over that, STOP. David Stopped mourning when his child died. Some never get over it. They never put a stop loss on their pain.
  • The past is past. We all have ghosts from our past. I have many. Regrets. I have them. YET, if we will take a corporate vow RIGHT NOW to stop worrying about our past, to let the dead bury the dead and let it go....we will be much happier.

I won't tell you to just think positive. I just did that from a biblical point of view. If you are a student of the word, you will see that every one of these points comes directly FROM the word of God. I could have used a Bible Bullet in every one of these. I'll let you do that for yourself. They are all direct from scripture and most spoken by Jesus himself. I think that's pretty good advise.

I wish I could warn everyone of the days to come, and on the other hand equip everyone to prepare for those days in just exactly this way. On the other hand, as a 5 fold minister my job is to equip others for the work of the Ministry. IF you are to be a father, a prophet, an apostle, a pastor teacher and evangelist to lead people in the days to come. They will need this admonition.

If I could warn everyone, I will have done my Job. Maybe I just did.

Feel free to use this with those to whom you are responsible... it works every time it's tried.

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