Monday, November 14, 2011

Critical Thinking Versus Positive Thinking

The masses falsely believes in positive thinking. There is a dopamine response in the brain the makes us addicted to feeling good. Critical thinking uses multiple parts of the brain which engages us to look at both positive and negative. As a society we are addicted to this dopamine reaction. Just stop and look at the weight problem, the drugs, alcohol abuse.

The masses keep searching for things that just feel good.

Critical thinking not only is a function of business I believe that it’s essential to look at in all areas in life. I don’t believe one can become a world class thinker without evaluating critical thinking in all areas.

The masses just want to feel good which is usually why they won’t go through the struggles to excel themselves to world class thinking. Which in turn lies the great problem in America, we want to feel good without looking through a lens of objective reality.

In times of stress and when under duress by daily life, we all make snap judgments and decision, some right, some wrong. Once the stress/duress is gone, you can revisit these decisions, analyze them with critical thinking and then, if necessary, desirable or even possible, correct them. As we are all emotional creatures, wrong decisions will be made. World-class thinking will help you find them, and take whatever corrective actions are necessary.

People use “positive feeling” to determine their reality. Hence, truth becomes distorted through “feeling goggles”. We start with a preconceived belief that feels good. Just because we believe something does not make it true (ie The world is flat). Critical thinking causes us to shift our paradigms and that causes uncomfortable feelings and we resist that at our own demise.

World-class critical thinking starts with yourself. Positive thinking is easy, as you don’t have to confront your own demons. In critical thinking you have to look yourself in the mirror and admit all your own faults. You have to re evaluate all your belief systems, you might have to questions everything you have learned in life, including your parents, teachers or other influential people.

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