Monday, November 14, 2011

I'm not a libertarian because of the social issues, but this is good

From this article:

Why I Lean Libertarian, Part 1 | Marotta On Money

My youthful utopian idealism gave way slowly to my present midlife perspective. My life’s philosophical and experiential odyssey overturned many of my presuppositions. I learned over time that many of society’s assumptions are provably false. But it took courage to integrate this radical re-evaluation of life.

1. Centralized power in government fosters corruption.
2. Controlling other people’s lives is wrong.
3. Government regulation does not create security.

And the second part:
4. Government monopolies kill innovation and efficiency.
5. Many government-run agencies are inefficient, wasteful monopolies
6. The costs of regulatory compliance are often greater than direct taxation.
7. Regulatory compliance only means your paperwork in is order.

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