Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Fuzzy Thinker Analyzes even Fuzzier Thinking

Early this morning, between 6:30-7AM I was listening to Rick Kogan and the Sunday Papers radio show on WGN. I do most Sunday's. He had a fellow on who I was not familiar with.Tony Fitzpatrick. He's an artist of some sort. You can hear the interview here. It's in the first third of the MP3.

He described himself as a fuzzy atheist. Not a good start. It seems to me having some level of conviction would be good. He didn't.

He has produced some presentations apparently, "Who's country is this", "This is the country we are in now". "Is your faith in God or Man?" You know. Classic random fuzzy stuff.

He mentioned during the interview how he had visited the Blue Mosque and was moved. It's in Istanbul. I guess that's OK. Not moved by St Peters? Not moved by the Church of the Sepulcher? Not moved by Oberammergau? I guess not.

He had passed by the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York. Said he knew in TEN SECONDS what they were protesting. I guess he must have lost his fuzzy thinking at that moment. Most of the rest of us are still puzzled.

Here's what he came up with in his ten seconds of revelation:
  • He was uplifted...Uplifting he called it. OK. That's subjective enough. Moving along,
  • The country finally woke up? Really? I mean, all of us in Tea Party Ville were asleep? We were at THIS party WAAAY before one OWS george soros dependent found the light switch.
  • Equality of the American Promise, The American Dream. I guess I didn't know it had become all that inequitable. YES there are rent seeking guilds, unions and big corporations who have bought off politicians to do their will. That is who these folks should be focusing on, the governments who have become servants of big money...
  • That the country now has a stomach for justified dissent. I wondered why it was so unprofitable to the stomach when hundreds of thousand gathered at various places in the tea party rallies across the nation and protested big government? Was that not dissent? Maybe conservative dissent is something different. Fuzzy thinking set in again?
  • People deserve gainful employment, he said. REALLY?? NO, people deserve a chance at gainful employment. NO ONE deserves gainful employment. AND if they have badly prepared themselves as opposed to what might amount to a dignified standard of living, they should find a new way of preparing themselves for the world they live in now. This IS the world they live in now and if they don't fit they must find a way to do better. That's how it has always been. Anything else is a myth.
  • He said that people should be employed equal to their education? HUH?? Why? What employer would hire some person with a degree in art history to work in his accounting department? Just because you got all A's, have a master's degree and a ton of other credentials might mean you MIGHT be a tiny bit more considered for a position. Your degree is worthless unless someone values it. Of all the things Mr Fuzzy Atheist said, this was by far the most inane.
  • He talked of people with masters degrees and a hundred grand in student loans not being able to find anything at all employment wise. WHY are they NOT protesting outside the halls of the institutions that made these false promises? It's insane! The world, masters degree or not, owes no one a living.
  • He said they are moral coherent people. I guess that differs a great deal from the information passed to me by the news services. I will let that one pass...but I don't buy Moral nor Coherent.
  • He mentioned meeting a WWII vet who was protesting. He was 86 years old. It wasn't his first protest. He had been there when Vietnam war protesting was going on. I honor his service, but dishonor his claim that Bill Ayers, Barack Obama's friend, served his country. I looked everywhere. WIKI an all. Nope, Ayers has been a leech and a fiend for decades. This was one deluded fuzzy thinker describing another.
  • The last piece of really fuzzy thinking that took place was the comment Kogan's guest made that Starving artists needed to make a fair wage for their work. Sorry charlie, a piece of art work is worth what the greater fool will pay for it. (see greater fool theory).

I like Rick Kogan. I enjoy his program. I enjoy hearing about plays and music.

How he ever let this bunch of 5th grade drivel pass for other than what it was is beyond me.

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