Thursday, December 01, 2011

Interesting Stuff

Where people are sad and happy


1. St. Petersburg, Florida

2. Detroit, Michigan

3. Memphis, Tennessee

4. Tampa, Florida

5. Louisville, Kentucky

6. St. Louis, Missouri

7. Birmingham, Alabama

8. Miami, Florida

9. Reno, Nevada

10. Las Vegas, Nevada


1. Honolulu, Hawaii

2. Manchester, New Hampshire

3. Fargo, North Dakota

4. Omaha, Nebraska

5. Boston, Massachusetts

6. Madison, Wisconsin

7. Sioux Falls, South Dakota

8. St. Paul, Minnesota

9. Burlington, Vermont

10. Plano, Texas

1 comment:

margaret said...

Interesting about Vegas and Reno, isn't it? Two 'sin' cities where money can buy any sin you want and greed is god. Shouldn't they be places of utopia and human joy? But they're not, which speaks volumes.

I confess I've been to Vegas twice with family. I enjoyed the city, although the second time uneasily. I felt convicted. The Holy Spirit then 'told' me that if I returned, it would grieve Him. I'll never go back. The last thing I ever want is to grieve the Spirit.