Sunday, December 18, 2011

Why the Economy is Stifled

Bernie Marcus

Why is the economy still stalled?

As Home Depot founder Bernie Marcus put it (and I agree with him), the business community is in an extended holding pattern until we see whether we’ll have four more years of this anti-business Marxist in the White House.

Things like tax hikes and expensive boondoggles like ObamaCare are looming over the business community, and businesses would be insane to expand or gear up with a hammer over their heads like this.

Of course, it doesn’t help when you have people like Marcus describes who would rather sit on their rear ends collecting unemployment for 99 weeks (or more) than take a job that pays less than their last one.

Work ethic? Who needs it!

After all, the Socialist-in-Chief has done nothing but send the message that you don’t need to do anything; Big Brother Government will take care of all your needs.

Why the Economy is Stifled

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