Thursday, March 28, 2013

The hand wringing over the closure of Chicago Schools is wrongheaded

 Last September when the Teachers went on strike for more and got it I said then that was the straw that will break the camel's back. That you should now expect mass closings of schools. This is just the beginning. Votes have consequences. Many anguishing over this were supporters of the teachers. Plus the population of Chicago mostly on the west and south sides has declined by almost a quarter million in the last ten years. Add to that the 300,000 abortions performed in Chicago mostly on populations on the west and south side and you see what is happening. There aren't any kids.

The schools closing are closing because the people who would have been served by them simply aren't there. This is a cultural thing. Add to that the people most impacted by this are voters who continue to support those who support abortion and policies that create the culture that runs people out. The real battle must not be with the mayor. It must be with the things that cause him to act. I support his efforts. The CPS is a money pit that is in a downward spiral. Add to that the fact that the education the kids get is indoctrination in bad ideas not skills in dealing with life well. Kids coming out of school with diplomas they can't read.

The answer to this is the abolition of public education in Chicago. Voucher every child. Let the private schools, christian schools, catholic schools and for profit education compete with one another for the vouchers. You will see at once places for unemployed teachers to find work. Right now the CPS spends over $12,000 per student. If you want to foster neighborhood schools, cut that to Ten grand per year per student as a voucher. Bump it a bit for rough neighborhoods. I guarantee you that Schools will blossom everywhere. A school with 50 kids will open everywhere. Look at the money. Those who RUN private and Christian schools today do it for much less. Get on the right side of this issue and watch things happen. Once again those who fight this are on the wrong side of the issue. Shut down the whole CPS.

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