Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Three D's of Christians who Vote blindly for Democrats

Not all democrats are evil.  That much is sure.  I have voted for and supported democrats from time to time when the Republican was an obvious scumbag.  The most recent was the Ryan - Poshard race in the 90s.  There are honorable democrats.

And there are dishonorable Republicans.  We have to rid ourselves of these people in the Party.

I am talking about those who vote for democrats who at face value are evil.   Pelosi.  Schumer.  Durbin and yes Barack H Obama.  People who publicly proclaim anti christian policies and then expect voters who have no discernment to blindly vote for them.  And they do.

There are Three categories of these voters.

Deluded Christian Democrats:  These are people who don't know much, watch a lot of non news TV, are swayed by culture and popular myths.  The voted for Obama because he "Looked Good".  They are low information voters.  They don't know why they vote.  It's the popular thing to do.  They are not really committed one way or another.  Sometimes these sad souls are voting this way because momma or daddy voted that way for decades.  Or they identify with the candidate.  Race, name, popularity.  They are swayed by the Daily Show and Saturday Night Live.  One way to tell if they are deluded is mention Sarah Palin to them.  If they roll eyes... you got your basic deluded low information voter on your hands.

Deceived Christian Democrats:  These people really believe that they can square the principles of the Bible with the things they vote for.  They are sincere in their convictions and can find all kinds of arguments from the left and the social gospel folks to support their claims.  They use the Bible only when it fits their politics.  The parts that don't they avoid.  They are relativists.  They have lip service to the cause of Christ.. some are even pastors.. but they somehow are able to support the Homosexual agenda, same sex marriage, abortion on demand and theft by government without blinking an eye.  They do it because the works mentality says if we just take better care of the poor we can stomp on any Bible Principle we want.  The social gospel will take you further downhill than you can imagine.

Demonic "Christian" Democrats:  These are people who put on the show but have no respect at all for the Word of God.  Many of our politicians are such.  Many of these are Catholics.  Joe Biden comes to mind.  Goes to mass, but doesn't demonstrate a modicum of Christianity except in his liberal policies.  I won't say Pres Obama is one such, but I believe him to be surrounded my many demons who speak into his ear and are leading him into demonizing.  I believe many of the "Reverends" we see and hear who represent left wing policies are these demoniac.  Paul said that even if an angel of light came preaching another Gospel to beware.  Of course a pagan anti God politician is a no brainer.  He staked his claim long ago.  They are declared.  It's the ones who are pretenders, wolves in sheep's clothing about whom we must be most concerned.  The real problem is the Deceived and Deluded are led astray by the demonic.

IF you consider yourself a Christian and in the last few elections voted overwhelmingly for a democrat slate (including President Obama) which one are YOU?  You have to be one, because the two just don't mix.

To be clear.. there are times when you might vote another way when the evidence is strong that there is a problem, I am talking about substantially.  IF you slavishly vote for the democrat and the next Sunday go shout and dance at church, something is very wrong.  I can't see your heart.  I can't see what you did or didn't.  I can ask you to examine your consciences and ask, do I represent my christian values if my voting record on a personal basis brought this nation to Gay Marriage, Homosexual Agenda, Islamic Victory, Government Theft and Rampant Abortion?

It may be time to repent.

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