Sunday, March 31, 2013

This is what Resurrection Sunday Church will be like...... WAIT WAIT... NO that's a picture of the crowd at a basketball game. Like the Elite 8 that will be played Sunday. Sports has replaced Jesus in Worship. (ask any Pastor who's services are at the same time as football). Sports is now our official secular religion. I reflected about how it was when I was a child. Good Friday was a day of somber worship. We spent most of the Afternoon in solemnity. Easter Sunday was an all day affair. The reality of what we were doing was not masked by the accoutrements of the day even if some argue of their pagan origins. SO, as you (and yes I might look in) sit in your Barcolounger Sunday afternoon... can you look past the pagan for a moment into the sacred? Is the sabbath rest obsolete now? Would Chariots of Fire have meaning today?

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