Friday, August 02, 2013

Why we have insipid Churches

I do not agree with this writer. He seems to thing being PC and very careful not to offend is more important than speaking into a corruptible culture with the truth of God. Here's the money quote from this article:

Some will insist you should take a stand.

They speak of having the courage of one’s convictions, of how the Old Testament prophets never feared public opinion and that you can become a champion for this noble cause.

You aren’t a coward, are you? They will cite the Joshua passage: “Be strong and of good courage.”

The other side warns you against getting involved. You're a pastor of a church; you have constituents on both sides of this issue; the church doesn’t need any more enemies; and you have bigger fish to fry.

You are a gospel preacher, aren’t you? They will cite the Pauline command: “Preach the word.”

IF you are the pastor of a church and have constituents on BOTH SIDES of an obvious moral issue, then YOU ARE A POOR PASTOR. IF you come out against Gay Marriage and that offends some in your congregation, you have a weak congregation with badly discipled congregants.

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