Friday, December 20, 2013

I wish everyone I know would do this..

I wish all my friends who are democrat / liberal leaning or who believe government is any answer to anything or watch MSNBC or believe anything said by them, or who were brought up to think that welfare was best conducted by government would take the few hours to receive from this basic course on economics. I really wish those in our government who supposedly are leading us (Starting in the oval office) would take this course. Few in our government seem to grasp basic economics. Maybe this would be a start?

IT'S FREE. COSTS NOTHING but a few hours of your time over a few weeks. Ignorance is not bliss, it is costing us all everything. This level of basic econ is never taught or if it is taught it is taught badly. I'll admit, economics is a hobby of mine, it has served me well. IF you are poor and can't seem to get out of the hole... this might help you to see the way up and out.

People are perishing for a lack of knowledge.

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