Saturday, March 14, 2015

Jim Garrow "I Have a Dream"

Whereas the Dreams From My Father of Barack Obama are based in the destruction of America, the dreams hypothesized by Dr. Martin Luther King were uplifting and righteous.

In describing the DREAM of Obama we would need to boil it down to what it really means: Destroy the Republic Economically, through Amorality, and Militarily. It is in these three sweeping areas that the nation is being taken down. The military is being politicized into a fiefdom of loyalties to Bathhouse Barry and retasked from the protection of the nation and its interests to those of enabling the new allies in their goals and objectives. Note that all things islamic are enabled and enriched. The economic takedown of America follows the old canards of marxism in the redistribution of wealth from the "haves" to the "we deserves" and the profligate overspending of the federal government well beyond any means that America might have to repay its debt. This also includes a little known move on the part of Obama which you might be hearing for the very first time here. Allowing China to secure through trade offs and manipulation a a majority position as the debt holder of America. When Obama came into the Presidency the overall holdings of China in American debt paper were reported as 8%, which quickly climbed to 12% in a reported two years, then things became silent. Well 6 years into the Presidency of Barry Soetoro we find that China has finagled a position of holding 56% of Americas paper debt to the world. It seems that having friends in the World Bank Community and the International Monetary Fund who have not been reporting the huge shift of obligation of America from many nations across the glove (187 reported previously) to todays crushing load 56% of which is owned directly by China. The piper is now in a position to pick the tune.

We know about the morality or lack of it in the lying tongue of the man in the Peoples House. We cannot depend on the voracity of anything that he says from who he really is, where he was born, who his parents are, who his major influences have been, his base of morality (not the morality of Christian tradition), and his support of the islamist agenda first and foremost. He has violated the Constitution and the Rule of Law daring us to do something about it. He has stacked the Supreme Court with marxists and again dares us to challenge his moves on that front as well. He is clearly waiting for deaths to enable the total capture of that safeguard of America's Republican way of life.

And finally we know that should the need arise for defence of the nation he has clearly maneuvered the agenda so that the military's target will be We The People, in spite of the Law which does not allow the use of our military as a police force. I guess we were not supposed to notice where this was going.

Obama, Soetoro, whatever he wants to call himself (I wonder what his muslim name is), has thumbed his nose at the American people and the Dreams that have propelled her in service to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the promises made to Him by the Founding Fathers. He is setting up a different God for the nation to serve and he himself bows to it 5 times a day. This is an abomination and duplicitous in its clear intent to replace the DREAMS and ambitions of the Foundings with this other DREAM of Obama. When the people figure it out and rise up in rebellion, his loyalties will show as the dictator in him rises to crush any opposition to his dreams.

Will you be ready to stand firm and tall for the Republic and end this nightmare?

- Dr. Jim Garrow -
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