Sunday, April 05, 2020

No One Here Gets Out Alive

The article linked below is good.  I stirred a thought.  We are in the USA like we are all on a train.  A train rushing toward some eventual end.  Till a couple months ago the ride was pretty good.  We enjoyed the ride such as it was.  A bit bumpy sometimes but for the most part a great ride.

Then some of the passengers, some more than usual were put off the train because they died.  Some  early.  Every day on the train some didn't make it.  It was understood by all the passengers on the train that no one will get off the train alive.  There was no choice.  It just when your stop came and you were removed your ride was over.

For some it was tragic if they had to leave the train too soon.  Some who had been on the train a long time and could cope with the rough tracks and bumpy ride from time to time finally ended the ride.  Maybe a bit earlier than normal, but the end came.

When several of the passengers were told that they potentially would be taken off the train early because of some malady spreading thru the train cars, the conductors took it into their hands to try to change the ultimate destination of every rider.  STAY IN YOUR SEATS, DON'T BREATH ON EACH OTHER, STAY APART, ONLY ONE PERSON TO THE TOILET AT A TIME AND FOR GOODNESS SAKES BE VERY VERY CAREFUL.  The fear and terror in their mantra scared everyone into submission.

This announcement was made over and over and over again.  The number of people being offloaded after dying was increasing some.. but not with levels that should impose the level of terror being postulated.

Before the commands to stay in your seat, there was a dining car, nice.  There was a bar car with music and dancing. There was a car for teaching the young ones.  There was a car where they showed movies.  There was a gift shop car.  There was a car where you could simply look at the passing scenery on your trip to together forever.

All that stopped. 

Eventually someone asked the important question, it grew in intensity.  IF no one here gets out alive, why are we all dying slowly in our seats covered and apart? 

It's a question we need to ask.

Some one did, read this.

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