Saturday, January 30, 2021

How it's going so far. . .

They stole an election.

Then lied about stealing an election.

Then drubbed anyone who said they stole an election

Then squealed like ninnies when some guy in a viking helmet was escorted into one of the Chambers for a selfie

Erected a bunch of fences and called in 20K National Guard troops, took their ammunition and called them a potential security threat

Then made them sleep in a cold parking garage

Wasted no time ensuring the economy tanks, with 70K layoffs and gas prices skyrocketing

Found a solution for COVID, namely, ignoring it

Their golden boys got their clocks cleaned by a bunch of Internet Nerds

Their star agitator the ex bartender accused Zodiac of attempted murder

Then to top things off, today some dweeb aparatchik decided to get a case of the arse and piss off a guy with a private ICBM fleet.


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