Wednesday, October 04, 2006

God uses a Strategy from Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book

I read much of Mega-Shift a while back. It told of the great move of God happening all around the world particularly in China. It was optimistic. Hard to believe since I see nothing like this kind of intense revival in America.

Then this article hit the wires a couple days ago: Evangelicalism Fastest Growing Religious Movement in the WORLD!

In it they make these statements:
....although Christianity has barely kept pace with world population growth over the last century, evangelicalism is “far and away the fastest growing major religious movement in the world today,”

Evangelicalism is growing twice the pace of Islam and three times as fast as the overall world population...

...the Mongolian church is now the most efficient missions force, sending one missionary for every 222 Christians.

...churches in the global South, from China to Nigeria, are now increasingly aiming to spread the gospel and close the gaps of the 10/40 window.

“I believe the older generation has slipped away from the idea of mission, but now I believe God is using a younger generation to renew the church’s commitment to mission,”

What it looks like to me is that the Body of Christ at the urging of the Holy Ghost is waging it's fastest and most effective conquest in remote, 3rd world and atheistic countries. That to this point the “Cultural West” countries are being left out of this global move of God until the countryside has been conquered. I would even say that the conversion rate among Muslims is greater than in the west. They are converting by the thousands.

That gives me hope. A quote from an interview with Chairman Mao.
Later, when we got to the countryside. Chairman Mao saw that in order to carry out the revolution it is necessary not only to rely on the peasants, but also to win over the middle and petty bourgeoisie.

It worked. Now, this spiritual revolution is taking place first in the countryside and the middle and then the petty and not so petty bourgeoisie will follow.

That’s pretty much all of America, Europe, Canada, Austrailia and New Zealand.

I am hopeful. I want to see revival in the USA before I step from time into eternity. So, do it Lord, do it again. You can do it over there, you are doing it over there, why not here, why not us, and why not now.

If you have to De-Bourgeoise us a little that’s ok.

Oh, and that whole Idea about starting in the country and moving to the city, I don’t think that was actually origional with the Chairman. I think the really BIG chairman, "He who sits on the throne", has ideas Chairman Mao never imagined.

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