Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Are YOU from Mars???

There is a great cultural and political divide in this country. It’s deeper and wider than even I can comprehend. I have written on this before, If the divide we have politically were geographic we would be in full blown civil war, if it were geographic we would label the other side as a whacked out cult. I know this because I have friends who have political views that can only be explained as otherworldly. Out on a far stratum of space. A strange parallel universe. Completely alternative to anything I know or understand. Nice people but so incredibly wrongheaded as to make me think they are aliens, strangers in a strange land, completely other.
Almost as if they are visitors from another planet, maybe Mars.

What brings that into focus is the Foley thing. I’m just about sick of hearing about this already. He’s a creep. He needs treatment. I don’t care what party he’s from; he needs excising from the body Politic.

But those from Mars, (I have now decided to quit calling people Liberals, democrats, wacky left, weirdoes) I’ll just give them the more accurate appellation of being from Mars; those from Mars are just giddy.

Turning on National Liberal Public Radio is a love fest of joyful Martians dancing around whatever kind of maypole they have on Mars in anticipation of how the Foley thing will allow the Martians to take over the congress. Never mind that the Martians are incompetent to govern and have no idea of what life is like on earth. The Martians have NEVER been able to lead with any kind of competence. Nothing has changed; they still have a Martian mentality which means they have no concept of earthly things.

Well, my Martian friends, don’t get too excited too soon. You Martians are not an organized political party. A fellow Martian said that long ago. Mark Twain. You have the record of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory more times than not.

Then there’s the whole being a Christian thing. That John (Lukewarm) Danforth is bemoaning the conservative Christian takeover of earth politics. Danforth is a Martian in earth clothing. My main concern is that we have too many of these. I am also highly amused by Martians telling me what the UBER-Earthling Jesus would or wouldn’t do according to Martian scripture. Danforth does that, and elequontly says, "Can't we all just get along?" Sorry John, That' line's been taken. I want to know what middle ground looks like in the abortion debate, in homosex, in pornography, in a hundred other things. What does middle ground lukewarm morality yeild? John and other clergy of his denomination gave us an openly gay Bishop. Is that the middle ground? It would be always good for a Chuckle if it wasn't so sobering. These Martians who put on a Christian hat frequently send me emails that begin, “How can you say or believe THAT and call yourself a Christian". I guess according to Martian theology I can’t. I’ll take my chances. I’m still from earth.

Then there are the Islamic Fundamentalists. There’s no compromise with them either. They are like the Martians in that they see earth as a foreign place. They are actually Venusians. Different Godhead. Different planet.

What is true of both Martians and Venusians is there is no compromise with either. We just can’t let the invasion of the body snatchers go on from either planet. They are a foreign substance and must not be allowed to take over earth.

I have seen enough Star Trek Next Gen (actually all of them) to say that if the Borg or any other foreign entity takes over another planet its bad news for the conquered planet.

The same is true of the Martians and Venusians. Don’t let them take over. Foley or not, you must vote republican this fall. Yes, there are a few Martians in earthly clothing among them, but we will discover them and like Foley, out they go.


Anonymous said...

It's the lastest epidemic, LIDS (liberal intelligence deficiency syndrome).

Anonymous said...

It's the latest epidemic called LIDS. (Liberal Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome)

Anonymous said...

hehehe.....I didn't mean to say that twice!