Tuesday, February 26, 2013

You Don't have to be a SLAVE to Debt:

I have several friends who are at the end of their rope financially. Money is not the solution to their lack. I know that sounds harsh, but it's true.

What will help is knowing the truth about money and the people who are trying to ruin your life. I have lost friends who committed suicide because of credit card debt and the terrifying persistence with which collectors called and harassed them. Some declared bankruptcy. Others tried to hide. It's a tough life.

I was blessed years ago by being in debt deeply because of a business failure and no prospects for employment. That experience taught me much about debt, money, collection, debtors and creditor rights, alternatives to bankruptcy, what living judgement proof really means, how to live below the radar and living off the grid. While i didn't have to do that long, I dug my way out, I found out how the system works.

You don't have to declare bankruptcy. You don't ever have to take another collection call for the rest of your life. You can be sued and they will still not collect. I'm not talking about being a deadbeat, I'm talking about not taking pills, shooting yourself in the head or hanging yourself because you feel so hopeless.

Two of my best friends fathers when I was growing up hung themselves over debt. They grew up fatherless because their fathers felt hopeless.

There is not only hope, there is life after debt. Much of this requires a person to learn what money really is. Money is not what you have been told it is. Money is what you have in your hand as skill, ability, hustle, knowledge and relationships. I will write on this more. You don't have to end your life over this. You can live above your circumstance in the provision of God. I have done this. It works. You can too. The debtor is slave to the lender until the debtor wakes up and renounces his slavery. It's hard, but it's worth the battle. There is life after debt.

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