Friday, March 01, 2013


I have several friends who are unemployed. Keep saying there is NO WORK. Send out resumes (which never works), fill out on line apps... 1/100 are even looked at. It doesn't work any more. In Chicago we have a saying that "We don't hire nobody nobody sent". It means you gotta be connected. You gotta know someone. It used to be you might wander in the door and get a job by filling out an app. Not any more. SO what to do? One of the wealthiest men in our community owns a large chain of Temporary Employment Agencies. He lives very near me in a ten thousand square foot mansion. How does he do that? Simple. He finds inventory, sells it to people at a mark up and collects the difference. With that he built a mansion. As Tony Soprano said.. It's just business, nothing personal.

Here's a true story. My Son, (the younger) has several times moved into an area without work. He is now 41 years old. He is unmarried so he has the flexibility to do this. He NEVER applies for a job when he goes into an area. He goes immediately to the employment agencies and becomes inventory. They love his abilities and quickly find him a place. They aren't doing it because they like him. They do it because they make money on his placement.

It always happens. While he is working there, out among them, he begins to rub shoulders with folks. He begins to meet people. They soon see that he is able. He is a good smart guy. And they point him to a better job.. In other words they "Sent" him.

In a couple cases the part time became full time. Benefits and all. He has done this perhaps 8 times in the last 20 years since graduation from college. He has ended up significantly well paid. The same thing has happened to my nephew. He is not yet 25, a few years ago took an employment agency job with a common carrier for peanuts. He just got a new job which he acquired because over time he got to know someone. Now his paycheck is well over fifty grand.

Here's the question. Are you better off chasing the resume sending on line app filling track, or are you better out there, meeting people, yes not for as much money, but you are in the market.

Remember this one truth if you get nothing else out of this, the agency doesn't care about you, They care about you as INVENTORY. Nothing more nor less. Be good inventory and move up.

Now get out there and seize the day.

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