Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Great Moments in Public Education... If convicted, they face up to seven years in prison for enrolling their 5-year-old daughter in a school outside their Zip Code. - SMH

1 comment:

Fallout said...

There seems to be many Johnny Suttons out there...district attorneys, attorney generals etc that have let their ego, power and a quest for self recognition to cloud common sense. On top of that, the courts don't care about the basics on which this country was formed.

"The(school)district dispatched a private investigator to follow the parents."

What kind of jerk takes that route? The school districts need more money so they can keep a grip on their corruption.

If you don't have facebook like me here is the link to the original article:

This article is an example of what happens when the government pours money into unions:

"Ms. Gordillo is known nationwide simply as “La Maestra,” “The Teacher,” a nickname befitting her control of politicians and the untouchable air about her."

The government is making a way for these union officials to become mobsters or at least control freaks.