Sunday, May 15, 2005

Be Ignorant - Be Famous

In today's Chicago Tribune Perspective section the front page is dedicated to the Bible as a political weapon. I will link it but you might have to subscribe (It's Free) to read it.

In the article the author who was an Episcopal Bishop says some of the dumbest things I have ever read. I am coming to the conclusion that people that attend seminary shouldn't be allowed to interpret the Bible. They never read it. At least this man never has. Otherwise he wouldn't be as ignorant in his allegations against the Word of God (which he doesn't think the Bible is).

My conclusion is he is trying to get on the lecture circuit in his retirement. The only way to do this is to say something reassuring to unbelievers lost in their sin and controversial to believers. If I stood up and said, "I believe the Bible is true and I trust it's counsel for my life" I will receive a collective yawn. I certainly won't get press on the front page of the Tribune's perspective section, a 10 minute interview on NPR and Today Show with Katie Couric.

He will gets lots of lectures among liberals. I hope he gets saved. You see, when I apply the 10 point test, he doesn't make it. He is NOT my brother in Christ.

In case you want him to come scratch your itching ears or if you just want to keep your distance I will identify him:

John Shelby Spong, the retired Episcopal bishop of Newark, N.J., is the author of the recently published "The Sins of Scripture: Exposing the Bible's Texts of Hate to Reveal the God of Love" from HarperCollins and other books and essays on belief.

More Heresy can be found on his website.

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