Friday, February 17, 2006

Mohammed Voodoo Doll

I am really sick and tired of Islamic fascists rioting all over the world over a few cartoons depicting Mohammed in some form or another. 
I won't even go into the sacrilege that goes on with Jesus and film and art.
My Christian freinds have thought about burning down a KFC if the DaVinci code is shown in our town.  But we won't.
It is so wrong to be killing and destroying when at the same time the people fomenting these riots are creating suicide bombers who kill little kids, behead Americans, and destroy innocent life every day.  No riots over that. 
I have come up with a solution.  I am going to propose to some entrepreneur out there to create a Mohammed Voodoo Doll.  A doll that looks like and is named Prophet Mohammed.  The business could be called, Graven Islamic Images, Inc. They could find likenesses of Mohammed on Google Images.  Sell these dolls on the internet for $10 each.  I'll buy a dozen.
I don't believe in Voodoo.  But I figure people that believe that a sure trip to heaven with mass quantities of virgins at the other end is strapping yourself into a Honda a blowing yourself, anyone that stupid probably believes in Voodoo. 
So, here's the deal Islamic nutcases, you blow up some little kids in Iraq, Mohammed gets a pin or two in the gut, you kill one of our men or women, Mohammed gets knifed, you behead one of ours, Mohammed loses his head and I'll think of some porky desecration to boot.
I'll need to buy a dozen at a time since I plan to destroy his image often.
And, oh by the way, you riot over this, it's a ham and Mohammed soufflé I'll feed to my dog.  He'll eat anything. 
It's time to call this what it is, global Islamic insanity. 

1 comment:

NodakJack said...

Sign me up for a few of those voodoo dollies...I believe in voodoo about as much as Islam, Judaism and Christianity. (I'm not an opiate of the masses user.)
The problem with being a secular humanist is that there are so few holidays.