Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Babies Saved by Bush - Hooray

I am so proud of our President

He took a bold and well thought out step in vetoing the Funding of Stem Cell Research using human embryos.

Sure there is going to lots of flack from the left. Stand strong George. We're with you. They don't have a moral compass to live by so you must provide one. That's what leadership is all about.

Take stem cell research to the logical extension. If those infants in vitro and frozen are able to be used to save lives ostensibly, why stop there? I mean no one really knows when life begins anyway. So, if that is an issue, why not just take them, implant them into surrogate mothers, grow them in the womb 8 months or so then remove them from the surrogate and harvest the organs and tissue needed to cure disease and save lives. Discard the rest or capture some stem cells. That's what it really is.

What is the real difference anyway. It's not a baby till it's born, right? Of course it is. It's a baby from the instant of conception.

The idea that we might potentially perhaps maybe cure this or that disease, what makes some 8 month old fetus more valuable than say Michael J Fox or Muhammad Ali? It's just tissue. Right.

Then there are the phony justifications for murder. I can just see some poor little girl coming to planned parenthood for counsel about an abortion. "Don't worry honey, you'll be doing the world of science a great good by having this abortion, think of the research and stem cells you'll be providing by your sacrifice". That's what this is really all about. Abortion.

And where did these Embryo's come from? Fertility clinics doing in vitro fertilization. Who benefits from all that? Same sex parents. Homosexuals who want kids but don't want to have them the old fashioned way. That is wrong too.

Sure there are infertile couples who need help but I have a question. Just because we can do this or that, should we? IF we decide not to harvest little babies organs just before birth by abortion, perhaps we need to take a hard look at the fertility industry that drives the production of millions of unwanted babies. That's the real problem.

It's all about the money in the end. I looked at a list of the people in favor of this research funding bill. Most of them were PhD's who were going to benefit directly from the money (my money paid in taxes) to kill little babies to do research. This support was more about a good job than ethics. Well I for one don't want to support the killing of babies.

This doesn't preclude private institutions from doing this. I wish it did. It just means I don't have to have my tax dollars paying for murder on demand.

I object and so did the President.

Thank God and thank GWB.


NodakJack said...

God gave us the means. Too bad he didn't give us the money. Too bad he gave us Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, heart disease, diabetes. That god is such a wacky-cake.

Anonymous said...

So you are gonna give GW credit for saving babies, which is a stretch as the connection between a rise in abortion rate and stem cell use is sketchy at best. Well, then you must also hold him reponsible for the people who will die or lead less comfortable or productive lives due to the loss of stem cell therapy. I don't see the loss as worth the gain, but maybe you and your president do.