Sunday, July 16, 2006

Israel and the Church of God

What I'm about to say I can't prove or document. If you require that kind of depth quit now. This is also not the word of the Lord exactly. It's only observation.

Christians are grafted in Jews. Therefore we are the spiritual nation of Israel. God's chosen people. There I've lost half of you. That is not a popular belief. But, if you search the scripture you will see that both contentions are true.

As such there is a parallel in the natural regarding Israel that takes place in the spirit regarding the Church. There may be more than this but these are the essentials.

1898 The nation of Israel is spoken of as a thing that will begin by Theodore Herzel and he pronounces "The Jewish State". Unknown but spoken.
1900 The Outpouring of modern day Pentecost begins in Topeka KS Later including Azusa Street. Speaking in Tounges, an unknown thing begins again.

1917 The Balfor Accords in England establish the right of the Israel to exisit, that a land of Palastine should be created for the Jews.
1914-1924 Pentecostal Groups are formed, they become the basis for much of what are the many diverse Pentecostal Denominations of today.

The interim, the Jews organize, long for a land, are rejected persecuted and dismissed. The Holocaust.
The interim Pentecostals are organized, long for a land, are rejected, persecuted and dismissed. You had to be brave to speak in tongues. You could be stoned.

1948 The nation of Israel is founded, people begin to move there, the Diaspora reverses
1948 The healing revival begins, Oral Roberts. The Church begins to move, Billy Sunday, Billy Graham

1967 The 6 Day War, Israel fights and defeats it's enemies
1967 The Charismatic Renewal breaks out in mainline protestant denominations

1973 The Yom Kippur War, Israel occupies all of Jerusalem
1973 The Catholic Charismatic Renewal begins, Jesus People

1978 The Camp David Peace Talks with Sadat
1978 Pope John Paul the Second is put in place shortly after that and the Charismatic revival among Catholics grows faster.

1982 The Lebanese Conquest Causes Israel to gain Global Respect.
1982 The Pentecostal Church turns the corner and begins to become respectable. Assembly of God becomes fastest growing denomination in the nation. Nearly all other organized churches begin to stagnate and decline in numbers. This respect causes internal problems.

1986 Israel gives back some land in Lebonan, makes concessions and Jonathon Pollard is revealed as an Israeli Spy in America. Division. Enemy believes this shows weakness.
1986 The Pentecostal Church goes thru 3 major scandals in America. Division.

1994 The Oslo Peace Accords cause a new order in Israel. Moab (Jordon) makes peace with Israel.
1994 A new change and conflicts begin over worship in the Pentecostal Church. A year later Pensacola revolution breaks out. Toronto. The Body of Christ starts to undergo major Changes. The face of Christianity begins to change rapidly.

2005 Israel decides to make peace and withdraw from Gaza. Builds a fence.
2005 Traditional Denominational Churches endorse Homosexual Bishops, Homosexual Pastors, become weak on the Godhead (divinity of Jesus). The Attack of the enemy of Faith in DaVinci Code and Judas Papers makes true believers withdraw from any involvement in the denominational Church at large. Seems to retreat into it's own world. The dividing line between true believers and the rest of the world is drawn.

2006 War breaks out in Israel who not only defends herself but is taking back ground. It's open war with casualties on all side. This is a war that cannot be lost.
2006 Now I go out on a prophetic limb. The body of Christ is about to go thru some of the greatest changes and opportunities ever known in the Church. God will move thru those who are ready to move with him. Just as Israel is taking back land and is on the offensive, so now the Church is ready to do the same.

As I look at this pattern I see God moving in great power thru the Pentecostal movement. People filled with the Holy Ghost, operating in spirit and truth, All 9 gifts of the Spirit including speaking in other Tongues (the Gateway gift for any of the Spiritual Giftings). Globally nearly all the revival that is taking place is among those Holy Ghost Pentecostal people of God. Everything not sold out and filled with the Spirit is dead or dying.

We missed it by trying to get along without it. When Jesus said, "Go to Jerusalem and wait until the Holy Ghost comes upon you and you shall receive Power to be my witnesses" many denominational Churches thought he was kidding. The Church in America thought they could skate by without this. It's like believing that Israel could survive without the protection of God. You just won't make it in this new world about to unfold without it.

Only 20% of Americans went to Church this morning. 10 years ago it was 40%. Only 5% of CHRISTIANS put a TITHE in the plate who did go to church. 10 years ago it was 7%. Regular Church attendance is now considered by most twice per month. Mainline Churches are closing at a rate never seen before in America. Yet, there are Churches growing like mad. Osteen, Hybels, etc. All this from George Barna. The only growth categories in Christian America that are increasing in numbers are Mormons (and the question is are they Christian), Catholics (Mostly from Hispanic Immagrants) and Pentecostals (Charismatic and non-denominational). ALL others are drying up and blowing away. This wouldn't have to be so.

If there is any hope for the Body of Christ in America, it is by the Moving of the Spirit of God in Power. This means Pentecost undilluted. I no longer believe it is possible to do what needs to be done without that level of intimacy and that level of Spiritual empowerment which includes the fullness of the Spirit with the evidence of Speaking in Tounges.

I used to say I believed it was possible to be filled with the Spirit and not speak in tounges. That would be like saying, I'm a Christian but I don't believe in Prayer. Or, I'm a Christian but I don't believe in Worshipping God. Or I'm a Christian but I don't believe in fellowshipping with other believers in a Church. You can't be filled with the Spirit and pick and choose the resultant manifestations. When you buy a pair of shoes, Tounges comes with them, they're part of the deal.

So as this new move of God commences, if you aren't on board you aren't where he's going to be blessing. You will miss it, perhaps again. The old is past, behold all things are becoming new. Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed? Paul asked that of the Ephesian Christians. It needs asking again. Read the whole Book of Joel. Then watch CNN. It's happening before our very eyes. Are you among all people? I think so.

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