Friday, October 20, 2006


If you are a student of end times theology at all you know there has been predicted a man of peace who would woo the world and then cause the world to worship him. Many have said here he is or there he goes.

The Bible does say there are and will be many Antichrists. That the spirit of Anti-Christ is always in the world. To that anyone would say yea and amen.

Hitler was an antichrist. Genghis Kahn was. Stalin was. They all had characteristics of an antichrist.

But the end time antichrist must be a man who causes all men great and small to worship him because of who he is and his charisma.

I have a candidate. He is Muslim, the religion out of which the Antichrist will rise. He is charming and influential. He is the right age. And as of today, HE will not know he is the antichrist (if he is). But, there are many reasons to believe he might be. Just so you heard it here first.

Here are what some world leaders say or have said about this man:

“A Man for our times who has been at the very heart of world events for two decades”
Margaret Thatcher

“A man of principle, a diplomat of astonishing caliber and one of the great peacemakers of our time”
Nelson Mandela

“Flamboyant, Dramatic, Personable, Smart, Canny and Probably Manipulative”
Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, USAF (Ret)

He has been called a man of peace. He may be the man who Bob Dylan sang about on the last Christian Album, Infidels. Look at the words for MAN of PEACE.

I submit a qualified potential for the Antichrist: Prince Bandar bin Sultan

Consider what could happen:
He settles things in Iraq, gets Syria and Iran to back off against Israel with a seven year pact, gets the Muslims to quiet down in Europe. With this great feat Putin buddies up to him and signs a pact. Even the USA is enamored of him. CBS ABC CNN and NBC fall all over themselves holding him up as a secular savior. He gets foolish world leaders to make peace pacts in exchange for power. People agree to all kinds of things including a chip in the hand and forhead to keep peace. I mean it's a small thing when you consider that we don't have to worry about terrorists anymore isn't it? Then one day he uses it to control all of us. No man can buy or sell unless they bow down and worship him. Then 3 1/2 years into the peace pact he turns against Israel. Russia comes from the north and attacks.

Too far fetched?

Read your Bible. That's exactly how it will happen.

If it's the Prince or not, I can't say, but he looks like the kind of man it will be.


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah. The Anti-Christ. Let's stigmative the peace-makers and worship the war-mongers.
You Christianists are hard to understand.

Steve Scott said...

I take it you're a dispensational pre-millenialist? I don't find any of this in my bible at all, but then I don't own a Ryrie, Scofield or MacArthur study bible. Just a tongue-in-cheek comment from a post-millenialist.