Friday, October 13, 2006

Double Hexing Day

Today is in the waning hours of Friday the 13th.

I am not superstitious. But, maybe I should be. Because today is a double hexing day. If you add up the whole numbers from today’s date 10/13/2006 you get, well look at this:



Now that’s scary.

I called my buddy Jack
on his radio program as I was coming into Fargo. I shared this interesting bit of trivia. Let me be kind, as a mathematician, Jack is a great radio announcer. He didn’t get it. Note, I didn’t blame his lack of grasping of the obvious on his further left than my political leanings. Although Air America went bankrupt today. Naaa, no relationship at all.

So, find a black cat to walk across your path, find a ladder to walk under, be very loose with broken mirrors and that like diet coke canceling out a doughnut’s calories will take care of things.

Just don’t ask Jack to do your taxes. THAT would be unlucky.


Anonymous said...

Now I get it. I was lining the numbers up in a column and adding them and then I got flustered, embarrassed and felt like a dweed. Thanks Gene.
Now, are we going to run into one another with Lars in tow?
Duffy's? When? Huh?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Gene.

I did this with my 2nd graders.

I heard about it on the radio.

It won't happen again for another 500 years.
