Thursday, February 22, 2007

Even if you could, Would YOU?

Late the other night I was watching some movie on TV; It starred Ashton Kucher.
I don't know him except he is married to someone famous. I think he is mostly famous
for that . It's not his acting.

The movie was about "The Butterfly Effect". I couldn't stay awake to watch the whole thing so I rented the DVD. I needed to see how it ended up. Yikes.

The idea was that if you could go back and change something bad that happened in the past would you and if you did what would that change today? If you rent the movie as I did, be aware, it is not a moral movie, it is laced with the F word. It is violent and disturbing to say the least.

It also made me reflect. IF I had the power to go back and undo some
single action from my past what would it be and how would it change my present reality.

For instance, IF I could go back in time to 1959 and stop my parents from taking the Truck Trip to Duluth that resulted in their death, would I? If I did what difference would it make today? I probably wouldn't be married to Peggy, None of the Children I have today would be there. Others would. You see, we were supposed to be moving to Florida (according to my Aunt Ruth).

My life would have been radically and permanently different.

Then there are regrets for really dumb things I did to others in the past. If I went back and changed those single events I might not have the regrets but perhaps the spiritual renewal I have experienced wouldn't be so profound. Maybe their lives would take a change for the worse because of that. Or the better. No one knows.

Like the song Amazing Grace, "That saved a Wretch like ME" really fits some of my life.

So, in permanent reflection I have to say my life is what it is for better or worse. If I have regrets there's repentance and forgiveness. If my actions changed other people's lives they are who they are. We all work out our situation the best we can.

I am thankful for the capacity to
look forward , forgetting what lies behind. There is NO OTHER OPTION. Regret is a tool of the Devil to bring up forgiven sin.

I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind but now I see.

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