Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A Living Breathing Apostle of God

Last night Peggy called me upstairs.  She was tuned into TBN.  The Praise the Lord program. 
There were two people I know and admire being interviewed on the show.  Ron and Hope Carpenter.  I have met them, I have been in conference with him, I respect him, he is part of our denomination.  His father Licensed me as a Minister of the Gospel several years ago.  Dr. Ron Carpenter Sr.
So when I saw Ron Jr and Hope on the Show I was thrilled.  Ron leads a church of several thousand in Greenville SC.  It's one of the largest churches in our denomination.  I wish we had a church like that here.
I listened to him talk, I know his story, Peggy knows his mom, Nan.  Ron Jr carries in his body the marks of an apostle.  He's the real deal in all it's fullness.  I know how to spot other apostles because I know Ron.  I know what it sounds like and looks like.  I have people I know who THINK they are apostles who I have had to say to them, "you're a good preacher but you're not an apostle". 
I don't get invited back, but if you ask a prophet to tell you the truth, don't get upset when he does.  If he's a real prophet he can ONLY tell you the truth (like Balaam).  

On the other hand I know Apostolically gifted people who are good preachers but who quench the Gift of God in them by trying to be better preachers.  They have the gift and the calling.  They just can't seem to step into the fullness of the Call of God on their life.  They miss what God wants to do thru them.  They have the gift, but they never exercise it.  That is a crime.
The last 30 minutes of the show (approximately) is when Ron and Hope are on.  I would recommend you watch this.  Then watch the last part with a renewal of marriage Vows.  It's a powerful time.  If you go to this site and click on the Tuesday show you can select the bandwidth that works for you.  This should be happening in every Church.  Marriages are suffering.  We try to teach on marriage when people need revelation and a fresh commitment to carry them thru.
Good on you Ron and Hope.  Congratulations Dr Ron Sr and Nan.  You have done well.  The apple didn't fall far from the tree.
I'm so glad to live in the fullness of Pentecost.  When I get a glimpse of it my spirit soars.
And, I wish EVERYONE could have this.  It's God's will.  We fall so short of our full potential in God when we resist the Call in our lives.

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