Sunday, February 11, 2007

Star Trek Next Gen Lessons for Spiritual Warfare

I get the strangest revelations sometimes.  I got one tonight.  I have taught a great deal on the Whole Armor of God.  It is fascinating stuff but not particularly applicable for many people.  A hard concept to apply.
What I am about to say will mean nothing unless you are/were a regular viewer of the Old TV Show Star Trek Next Generation.  STNG
When the Enterprise was in conflict with the Borg the only way they could do any damage to the Borg ship was to continue to change the nature of their defense and offensive weapons.  The Borg couldn't keep up and they could be damaged or destroyed.
The same was true sometimes when the Enterprise was under attack and someone was penetrating the protective shields.  They had to change the frequency and methods of their defenses.
It seemed to work.
Spiritual Warfare is like that.  We are dealing with an enemy (the Devil) who is constantly changing strategies.  He is constantly looking for new ways to attack us.  But, like some Starships who were destroyed prematurely on STNG, we try to use the same old methods and get the poop beaten out of us, spiritually. 
We must be looking for better and more effective strategies to counteract the works of the Devil.  The ones from the past were good and effective but we must look for ways he changes and adapt our defenses to keep us safe from destruction.
100 years ago TV wasn't a portal for temtation.  It is today.  10 years ago the Internet wasn't a weapon the Devil could use.  It is today.
We fool ourselves into thinking we can use the same methods of resistance against these new attacks and get results.  We must be doubly on our guard when we come against the attacks of the enemy.
Besides, we are stuck on this planet until the Captain gives the order to have us beamed out of here.  Till then we need to keep our spiritual pfasers set on Kill and keep our spiritual heads down.
Live long and prosper.

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