Monday, March 12, 2007

God's IS Unreasonable

Tonight at the House of Prayer Todd Taught as he always does on Monday nights. It's always good. I don't always make it but we got brand new big comfy chairs for the House. 125. I hope they are filled every night. We need to get a much bigger building.

During the time Todd said something that made my head spin. God always calls the people he calls without reason.

  • He never calls people to reason (in a HUMAN sense)
  • What he asks is nearly all the time outside of reason
  • IF you seriously seek and follow him you will very quickly find yourself doing things beyond the realm of what reasonable people would do.
  • If you are truly stepping out, people will say, get reasonable, listen to reason. "Just get real." Getting real is unreasonable in God's eyes.
  • In order to really follow his lead you probably will have to make an irrational commitment to him (unreasonable)
  • If what you are doing in the Kingdom is reasonable it's probably NOT of God.
  • God always calls those who are the least, most unreasonable to call.
  • God will always put you in a place that to follow his call will cause you to be stretched in faith and trust to obey.
  • If you depend on others or depend on the faith of others you probably don't yet have the call.
Examine the call of God on your life. If it fits, is reasonable, well within your comfort zone and easy it's you and not God.

But that's OK. If you ask him it won't be long before you will be put in a place of trust and faith or your call will be removed.

As for me, I'm OK with an unreasonable God. He can ask whatever he does and I am ready to obey. YOU?

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